Part 27

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"Hey Jas, hey Ant," Groff said as they walked in the theatre.

"Groffsauce!" Piper smiled at the first person she's seen once they got there.

"Little P," he smiled back, then they walked off leaving Jasmine and Anthony smiling at how close their kid is with all their friends.

Groff and Piper walked around to talk to everyone else since there was still quite a bit of time before everyone had to get ready and be in costume.

"Aren't you going back to school soon?" He asked.

That question reminded her of something. "Next week," she said excitedly, "I gotta do something" she ran off.

She took off quickly and on her way through the many halls of backstage, she ran right into Lin and fell down towards the floor.

He gasped, "are you alright?" He quickly got to asking if she was ok.

"I'm sorry," she apologized immediately, "I'm fine."

"No worries, where you off to in such a rush?" He asked and reached out his hand to pull her up off the ground.

"No where," she smiled and took off again, not as fast and careful not to bump into anyone on the way this time.

When she got where she was going, she hoped who she was looking for was there.

"Renee," she said and startled her. Renee didn't hear Piper come down the hallway and was looking down at her phone so she didn't see her either.

"Hey Pipes," she smiled, looking up from her phone.

"Is Jazzy here?" She asked.

"No, I think she went-"

"Good, I have something I need to ask you" Piper interrupted her.

"Should I be scared?"

"Nope." She sat down, "I start school next week and I've signed up for musical theatre and I'm super excited but I wanted to ask you if you'll help me prepare for my audition?"

"Of course, that's so exciting"

"I want to keep it a secret and surprise Jas and Ant if I get a part"

"You're amazing, of course you'll get a part"

"And if I don't?" She asked. Piper kinda hated when people said stuff like that, it made her feel like now they'd be expecting her to and if she doesn't then she'd disappoint then which she hates doing.

"We'd still be proud of you," she smiled, almost knowing that's she'd worried Piper.

Once she finished talking with Renee, she made her way through the hallways once more to find everyone being to get ready for the show.

Then she found Groff once more, "where'd you run off to?" He asked.

"No where," she smiled

"Then why-"

"Shh," she interrupted him, "it's a secret."

"You're gonna tell me though, right?"

"It wouldn't be a secret if I did."

He pouted which just made her laugh and at least he succeeded in making her laugh. "Can't you just tell ME?"

"You'll find out soon enough," she told him and walked off.

She went to find Jasmine and Anthony and found them together which was just lucky for her since she wouldn't have to go find them separately.

She wanted to talk with them before they went on stage, like she always does. She found them in costume, ready for places call soon.

"There you are," Anthony smiled.

They talked for a little before places were called, "we'll see you after," Jazzy gave Piper a hug before they went.

This chapter isn't finished but there's some things I gotta say.

I don't post regularly or on schedule and that's because I haven't written anything in a few weeks cause I've been not super ok recently but I'm getting better. Also because I just absolutely never have the time, like actually don't even have a day off ever, everyday of the week I have stuff to do. I'm still planning on finishing this story because I love it and am excited for the things I have planned to happen next.

Idk if y'all have heard the recent rumours but they have ruined my week. I hope they're not true but if they are, idk if I should continue posting, y'all tell me if I should keep going or stop updating if they end up being true because I really have no clue even though I'd like to finish all the things I'm currently writing. If they're not true or y'all want me to keep posting, I promise I'll finish this and I'm very excited for y'all to see what happens next

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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