Part 24

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"I can't wait to go home" Piper smiled, impatiently waiting to leave the hospital room she's been in.

"We can't wait to get you home" Anthony smiled back at her.

A few minutes later, the doctor entered the room with discharge papers. Piper was waiting, not so patiently, eager to get home.

Once getting outside, Piper spotted the car, "race you!" She took off towards the car

Jasmine took off not a second later, racing after her. She originally decided to let her win but upon seeing how fast she was, even after just getting out of the hospital, decided she wanted to win. She didn't.

They both got in the car, laughing, out of breath. I'm the short time it took Anthony to get to the car, they had caught their breath.

"You're lame" Jasmine says to him.

"What?" Anthony's jaw dropped with fake hurt

"You didn't join our race"

He just laughed, "you guys are children"

"I am a child" Piper laughed

"If I'm anything like her, I wouldn't mind being a child"

They made their way home, stopping for ice cream on the way.

When they get home, they spent the rest of the day together doing anything, enjoying being together and home after what had happened.

The next day Anthony went back to the show, Jasmine didn't. She wasn't ready, she had been scared of any loud noises and would freeze up hearing them. Anthony wanted to stay home with her but she made him go.

Over the next few weeks, Jasmine had been working on being able to perform again and she was getting a lot better. She still practiced at home but couldn't manage the loud music, loud applause, and gun shot sounds that are part of the musical.

Her and Piper talked about what happened, Jazzy remembered everything and so did Piper but the way she talked about it was as if she wasn't really there or like it was a dream. She seems to have some how blocked out the memory I'm a way that she didn't forget it.

Once she finally got back into the theatre, it was to just be there during the performance and not perform. She and Piper sat in the audience and watched. Jazzy wanted to be sure she could actually just there and be ok, and she was.

Re-reading this before posting, I notice how rushed this is and short. I don't have time to change it. Sorry for not updating this yesterday but I had the worst headache ever and couldn't look at my phone and still do but not as bad as it was yesterday. I wasn't going to update it today because I swear my head might explode but I felt bad and I won't be able to do it tomorrow because we're having thanksgiving dinner with my family:) anyways, enjoy this trash. Sorry I didn't update yesterday🌽

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