Part 4

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Pipers POV

I walk in the door, dreading what's going to happen once my foster parents see me. They're sitting on the couch, "I knew something bad was about to happen" my foster dad said.

"We left you there on purpose, how'd you even get here?" My foster mom asked.

"You left me there on purpose!?" I yelled

"Don't yell in my house" she said

"Why do you guys even keep me here? Just bring me back you don't even want me here!" I yelled, not as loud as last time.

"Because you give us a good reputation, nothing brings a better reputation than fostering a kid"

"You wouldn't have such a good reputation if I told everyone how you treat me" I mumble just loud enough for them to hear.

"When did you say" he stood up and walked towards me

"I didn't say anything, I'm sorry" I pleaded taking a step back.

He kicked my shin, it hurt. A lot. then he kicked me again. "That's what I thought, get in your room I don't want to deal with you any longer" he yelled at me and I rushed up the stairs. My leg hurt.

I plop down in my bed and cry. A few minutes pass and I stop crying. I glance at my leg and there's a huge bruise on my shin.

I pull out my phone and think about calling Jazzy but I don't but what I do is add her number to a contact, just in case.

As I stare at the call button, contemplating calling her, my foster mom walks in and starts yelling. I grip my phone so she doesn't take it but it's still on, on Jasmines contact, I call her by accident, I didn't even notice.

My foster mom comes over and tries to hit me, I don't even know why she's in here or what she's yelling about.

Jasmines POV

Just as I get home, my phone starts ringing, i answer it not knowing who it is.

"Hello?" I say into my phone

"Who is it?" Anthony asks me and I just shrug.

"Hello?" I say again and there's still nothing till I hear cries. It sounds like Piper.

No stop I can hear her yell but it sounds quiet through the phone. Please don't she pleads then the call ends and I start panicking. Tears start falling down my face.

Anthony looks at me, "hey what's wrong?" He wipes my tears with his thumb.

"It was Piper, she called and all I heard was her crying." I cried to him.

He looks scared, "why don't you try call her again, make sure she's ok" he says and I immediately grab my phone and call her back.

She answers and she sounds fine.

"Are you ok? You called and all I heard was crying?" I asked worried

"I'm fine, I must of accidentally called you, I'm watching a movie" she lied. I can tell.

"Are you sure because the crying sounded just like you"

"One hundred percent. Are you sure you're ok? Sounds like you're crying" she says and I wipe away my tears.

"I'm alright, I was just worried about you that's all. Are you sure you're alright?" I ask again "sounds like you're still crying" I tell her.

"The movies sad, I'm crying" is all she reply's.

"Oh right, I should let you watch your movie then, bye" I say and she says bye back and hangs up.

I take a deep breath, "Jeez, I was so worried but I swear she was lying, in the first call it didn't sound like a movie, the cries sounded just like her" I say to Anthony.

"I think you should listen to her, she's a sweet girl she wouldn't lie" he reassures me.

"maybe you're right" I yawn

"we should get to sleep" Anthony rubs his hand on my shoulder.

"good idea" I sigh, placing my hand atop of his and resting my head on our stacked hands.

We're sitting on the couch and he lays down, pulling me down with him. I giggle and he kisses my forehead then my lips. I can't help but feel better with him. I smile a big smile at him before nudging my head into his neck.

"Night love" he whispers to me, pushing my hair out of both of our faces. 

"Night" I whisper back and we fall asleep just like that. We fall asleep on the couch quite often but I dont mind, our couch is comfy and if he's there, I'm happy.

Pipers POV

The next morning I wake up and my leg is sore. The bruise had only gotten bigger over night. I get up and it hurts a little to walk. I decide to avoid my foster parents and stay in my room but before they wake up, I blast downstairs as fast I can to grab something to eat. I'm starving. I make it back to my room and my leg is throbbing. They didn't hear me get up, thank God.

It's Friday but I have no school today for some reason and nothing to do. I scroll through my phone, more specifically, I scroll through Hamilton memes. 

Some time goes by and my foster parents give me lunch, half a sandwich, how nice of them. Then a few hours later, around 3pm, my foster mom comes into my room.

"I need you to go pick some stuff up from the store for us" she says, throwing a list and some money at me.

"But can't you just drive there?" I ask

"I don't really want to right now so you have to walk there for me" I roll my eyes at her, staring at my feet of course, so she wouldn't see.

"And you better not buy anything not on that list, I want the receipt" she says slamming my door.

I sigh and look at the list, it's small. Only 3 things in it. I don't understand why they can't just drive there.

I limp my way to the store, it's a 10 minute walk and my leg still hurts. As I'm grabbing the last thing they asked for, I spot Jazzy and if last night didn't happen, I would totally go see her but because it did, I turn the other way.

Jazzy runs up to me and I walk as normal as I can, I don't want her to worry. "Hey Piper are you alright?" She asks

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