Part 21

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Trigger warning: shooting!

Pipers POV
Me and jazzy were shopping. I had my back turned to her looking at a different shelf. I grabbed something and turned to show her but I saw some man with a gun in his hand, no one had noticed yet. I put whatever thing that was in my hand down, "piper?" I hear jasmine say but I don't answer, she turns towards me and I jump on her, pushing her down. She lifts me up and stands up again

"What are you doing" she asks me

"Get back down" I whisper, trying not to give us any attention

"What are you talking about" she says and I peak out and see the gun pointed at her. I tugged on her arm but she wouldn't move.

"Get down" I quietly cried to her but she doesn't budge.

"Jazzy please" I keep pulling on her arm.

Then the next thing I know I'm jumping in front of her and then I'm on the ground.

"I-I was just trying to keep you safe" I cry to her.

"I'm so sorry" she says to me. I can hear the lump in her throat, she's holding back tears.

I started to feel tired, my eyes wanted to close, "piper I need you to look at me, don't take your eyes off of me ok" she says and I look into her eyes, I feel safe here with her.

She starts singing satisfied, it's my favourite and she knows it. I know she wants me to sing along with her so I try my best. But then I get tired and I just need a break.

"K-keep singing Pipes, stay awake" she says as i stop

"I'm just tired Jas" I let out

"We're getting out of here soon, just stay awake" she cries and starts singing again. I hum along with her but my eyes are shut, I don't have the strength to keep them open anymore.

"Stay awake" she whisperers. I'm trying is what I want to say to her, everything will be ok I want to hug her but I can't. I can't seem to move or even Move my mouth enough to say anything.

"Please" I hear her voice crack, I'm trying I promise, I want to pull her into a hug but that was the last thing I heard while her hand grabbed mine and squeezed it. I tried to squeeze her hand back but I couldn't then I fell asleep.

Jazzys POV
"Hey Pips, when you got here it was cold but the wether is getting warmer and I was wondering" I approached Piper who was sitting on the couch

She looked at me, "if you wanted to go shopping for new clothes" I smiled, I liked spending as much time as I can with her

"Of course" she jumped up.

We got to the mall, Me and piper were talking with our backs turned to each other, both looking at different shelves as we shopped but then she just stopped talking mid sentence.

"Piper?" I asked and she didn't respond so I turned to face her and she jumped on me, pushing me down to the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked, lifting her off of me and standing back up.

"Get back down" she whispered.

"What are you talking about" I said before I locked eyes with some guy, he had a gun. I should've listened to her, she was trying to protect me.

Everything started moving slowly. I watched his finger slowly move towards the trigger, I couldn't move. I couldn't hear anything, it all sounded muffled.

She tugged on my arm but I couldn't move. This was it, he was going to shoot me till I noticed Piper leap up from the ground, then there was a loud bang and she was on the floor. No no no. As I am finally able to get myself to move, I quickly bend down beside piper. There's another shot then I see the shooter run out of the store.

She's crying, "I-I was just trying to keep you safe" she let out

"I'm so sorry" I place my hands on the wound to try stop as much blood as I can.

I hear more gun shots throughout the mall. I had to hold back my tears so they didn't get all over her. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my mouth was dry and I felt as though my stomach had risen to my throat and my heart fell to my feet.

Then her eyes try to close, "Piper I need you to look at me, don't take your eyes off of me ok" I stare into her tear filled eyes

I start singing satisfied, I know it's her favourite and she starts mumbling along with me.

I look out the door, there's cops everywhere, they're leaving and it's gone quiet, no more gun shots

Her singing slowly quieted, "k-keep singing Pipes, stay awake" I cry to her

"I'm just tired Jas" she says, her breathing has slowed down.

"We're getting out of here soon, stay awake" I say before starting to sing again. She hums along with me but her eyes have shut, "stay awake" I say again but her humming slowly goes quiet.

"Please" my voice cracks. I reach for her hand, they're still warm and she has a pulse. Then a cop walks in.

"Help us please" I cry and the cop comes over to us.

"My daughter was s-shot, please help her" I say and everything after that was a blur, I remember not letting go of her hand, I stayed with her in the ambulance, I stayed with her until we got to the hospital and she was rushed to an operating room.

The first person to show up was Anthony, then pippa, Oak, Lin and Renee showed up and Jonathan not long after and Daveed too. Anthony was a mess, everyone was crying but I just sat there, completely silent, trapped in my own mind.

This was my fault I thought. She tried to save you before and you didn't listen. You should've listened to her I couldn't stop these thoughts.

Then I felt a hand on mine, it was Pippa. She pulled me off of my chair and into a hug. "She's going to be fine" she whispered to me.

I felt her let go and Anthony grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his chest. I looked up at him and he brushed the hair off my face that had stuck to my tears.

"It's all my fault" I cried to him.

"This is not your fault" he assured me

"I took her there, she tried to save me before, I thought she was going crazy then she jumped in front of me to save me" I rambled on

"It's my fault" I said again

"You did not take out a gun and shoot her, it's not your fault"

"But what if she thinks it's my fault" this thought was the scariest, what is she blames me, what if she hates me.

"She loves you she won't blame you for anything" he hugged me again and everyone else joined our hug.

I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to add this part but I wrote it anyway then decided too. Plus it's not a Wattpad fanfic without an unnecessary amount of trauma to the main character

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