Part 6

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Jasmines POV 
The next morning I wake with the sunrise and I start to make breakfast before anyone gets up.

I'm surprised by Anthony wrapping his hands around my waist as I flip a pancake. "Jeez you scared me" I say and he just laughs.

About half an hour later, Piper sits up. "Morning sleepy head." I laugh.

She gets up and I tell her to help herself to some pancakes. She only takes one little one.

"Aren't you gonna eat more than that?" I ask as she devours the one little one in her plate.

"I can have more?" She sounds surprised.

"Of course you can" Anthony tells her.

She eats 3 more pancakes, "I'm usually only aloud a little for breakfast if anything at all" she says and I give a concerned look to Anthony.

after we all eat, anthony stands up, "Well little one, it's time to get you home" he pats her shoulder

"Oh right" she sounded like she was dreading going home. she grabs her bag and we all walk out.

"It's this way right?" Anthony asks, he's driving this time.

" yup" she says from the backseat but shes lying.

"this is the opposite way to your house Piper, why are you lying" i ask her.

"Please don't take me home" she mumbles, i dont think i heard her right.

"Sorry what was that?" I ask

"Please don't take me home" she breaks down crying.

I crawl into the backseat with her as were still moving. Anthony just looks at me concerned and keeps driving straight, he has no idea where he's going.

I pull her into a hug, "hey Pipes what's wrong" I stroke her hair.

"I-I lied to you. I didn't fall out of a tree, he kicked me" she cried showing me the huge bruise on her leg. This is horrible.

"And these bruises, when I called you by accident, she was hitting me. I'm so sorry lied to you" she cried through sobs, showing all these different bruises.

"Everything will be ok I got you now. We'll help you" I try calm her. All I wanted to do now was protect this girl from this awful life she'd been given and make everything better and also punch whoever is doing this to her. Multiple times.

After she calmed down, I called child protective services. then we met then at Pipers house. we got out of the car together, Piper holding my hand. some people from child protective services and a cop car were there.

her foster parents walk out of the house and look at us, "what are you doing? i thougt you were in your room" the lady yelled at Piper and she squeezed my hand tighter.

"you didnt even notice she was gone!" i yelled, letting go of Pipers hand, i saw her grab anthonys arm,

" shes been with us since last night and you havent even tried to check on her!" i yelled again, taking a step forward.

"hey" Anthony said in a comforting voice, placing his hand on my shoulder. he calmed me a little. then i looked at Piper, she looked scared.

then we talked with the cops, we told then everything, about how i found her freezing infront of the theatre, when i saw her at the store, last night, breakfast, the bruises she showed me and the other things she tells me they do to her and how she was dreading going home.

the cops took her foster parents and she left to some orphanage. i made sure i knew what orphanage and where it was.

Me and Anthony had a long talk that ended in us both crying and us sharing a long hug then we went back to the orphanage where Piper is.

We text Lin and tell him everything, he tells us he understands and that we could take the day off.

We get there and they give us a bunch of paperwork. We need to get a criminal record check, they need to check our appartement and we have to come back tomorrow.

Anthony and I spend the rest of the day shopping. We have to get ready for our new foster kid. I'm so excited. Shopping for my kid is something I've always dreamed about and this feels just like that. We buy stuff for her room, lots of it. She hasn't even moved in yet and I feel like I'm already spoiling her. We also buy her some clothes, not a lot though. We decided that I would take her shopping so she could choose her own, maybe with Pip and Renee too if she wants.

We get home after a long day of shopping and get everything ready. Then we plop down in bed and I'm so excited I can't sleep.

"We're gonna have our own kid" I squeal to him

"I can't wait till she finds out" he squeals back at me and I laugh.

"This is all I've ever wanted, you and now we can have a kid" he says, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you" I say to him

"I love you" he says back and try's to pull me closer again, if that were possible.

I'm exhausted after that long day and I still can't sleep but I eventually do.

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