Part 2

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Jasmines POV  

"Hey are you ok? It's freezing out here" I asked her concerned.

"Yup, I'm alright" she said, I could hear her shivering as she talked.

"Where are your parents sweetie?"

"They're just inside, they're watching Hamilton" she told me. She still hadn't looked up, I haven't see her face yet.

"It just started, you're already freezing. How long have you been out here?" I'm really worried about this girl.

"Oh just an hour" she said like it was nothing.

"Just an hour?!" Who would do this to their child? I was so angry "why don't you come inside with me?" I asked her, sounding as nice as I can, I'm enraged at who ever would leave a little kid outside.

"Oh no thanks, They told me to wait outside, I don't want them to be mad" she said. Who would be mad at her for not wanting to sit outside in the cold all alone, I wanted to cry.

"Plus I'm not supposed to go anywhere with a stranger." She told me and she got that right, don't go anywhere with a stranger but I won't do anything to her, or anyone else.

It was then she lifted her head and looked at me. Her deep brown eyes shined with the tears that stained her face, she quickly wiped them away. her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. I couldn't help but smile at her, she was adorable.

"A-aren't you supposed to be inside" she asked me. She knows who I am, she knows I'm supposed to be performing right now.

"I actually can't today, I have a sore throat and you will too if you don't come inside with me." I chuckled, trying to make her feel more welcomed, lighten the mood a little.

I reached my hand out and she took it. God her hands were cold. I pulled her up and I wrapped my jacket around her. It really was cold without my jacket on. we walked towards the same door I walked out of.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Piper, my friend called me Pipes" she told me, that's cute.

"Your friend, called you that? What happened to your friend?" I tried to keep her talking, keep her distracted.

"I had a friend once, at my old foster home but they didn't want me anymore so I moved to a different one and never saw her again" She said. That's horrible.

"I'm sure you'll make more friends, you're so sweet" I tried to cheer her up. "How old are you Piper?"

"I turned 12 three days ago" three days ago was November 1st, she has the same birthday as Anthony.

"Oo how fun, you share a birthday with Anthony. What did you get for your birthday?" I ask

"Uh I didn't really get anything" she sounded awkward, not something she wants to talk about.

"Um, tell me more about you, anything you want to talk about." I wanted to keep her talking, make her feel safe. She seemed shy.

I don't know her but I want to get to know her, I can tell she's been through some stuff and I just met her but I want her to know I'm here even if we just met and this is probably the only time I'll ever see her. New York City is a big place.

"Well I used to do uh gymnastics" she said. Used to, I'm not gonna ask why she stopped, I don't want to mess up like I did a minute ago. "I also really like musical theatre, you and the whole cast are my biggest inspiration"

she smiled and so did I. I felt happy knowing I can be that person I looked up to when I was younger.

I opened the door to my dressing room I told her she could sit in my chair.

I took my jacket from her and hung it up and wrapped a blanket around her then she let out a little squeal that made me laugh.

"What was that?" I chuckled.

"I just can't believe that you're Jasmine Cephas Jones and I'm in your dressing room and this is your blanket around me and you're JASMINE CEPHAS JONES" she started fangirling, I guess she's feeling better now.

"That's actually Pippas blanket but she won't mind" I laughed

"AND THIS IS PIPPAS BLANKET?!" She basically yelled.

I started laughing, she's so cute. "You're adorable but we do have to be quiet, there is a performance going on right now"

"Oh right" she whispered and we both laughed.

We talked for a little when I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back she was sleeping. I didn't bother waking her up, she looked comfy.

When pippa and Renee came in to get changed, they didn't even notice piper sleeping in here. By the time intermission came, she was still sleeping so I was telling Renee and Pippa about her.

"I went outside to get some fresh air and she was out there all alone. Her foster parents left her there" I whispered to them, not wanting to wake her.

"What that's absolutely terrible, why would anyone-" pippa almost yelled in anger but she caught herself, also not wanting to wake her.

"That's horrible, where are her parents, I just wanna talk" Renee Said.

"Yeah is there anything we can do" Pippa whispered.

"No, she refuses to tell me their names and anything about them." I whispered when I noticed piper start to wake up.

I turn to face her, "hey pipes, you fell asleep and it's intermission, Renee and Pippa will be in here alright" I say to her.

"What?" She sounded confused, she just woke up of course she's gonna be confused.

She lifted her head and looked at me then them. Then she shut her eyes and opened them a few seconds later, "it's you!" She pointed at Pippa.

"It's me" Pippa laughed

"And you!" She pointed at Renee

"And me!" Renee put her hands up.

"And me!" I said jumping in front of the two of them and we all laughed. 

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