Part 17

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Jasmines POV
Today is Valentine's Day, mine and Anthony's anniversary. He tells me he has some thing special planned, I'm existed but also nervous.

He said he needs to go get something for the surprise so while he's gone I quickly get ready for the walk he says we're going on.

When he comes back, he has Piper with him. I look at him confused, did she get in trouble or something at school I wondered. She came on our walk with us, it was fun.

Then she dropped her phone, apparently she dropped it a few feet ahead of all of us. She asked me to get it. I go to grab it, I turn around and their both dressed up all nice, matching colours.

It confused me, I asked them what their doing then Anthony starts talking. "Jazzy I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he said, I started to tear up and so did he, he's doing what I think he is.

"I can't imagine my life with anyone else" he says, me too, is what I wanted to say but he kept talking. "we've got our life going pretty perfect" yes we do, "we have a kid. Early than we planned but I wouldn't have it any other way because I love both of you" neither would I for the very same reason

He gets down on one knee, "Jasmine Cephas Jones, will you marry me" he asks, Piper pulls out a ring. This is the cutest thing ever, they've planned all of this and this is why he got her early from school.

"Yes! Absolutely yes!" I almost screamed.
This right here is a moment I will never forget, the two of them doing this. I'm beyond happy right now, I wish I could feel this way forever.

We finished our walk, "you don't know how hard it was to keep this a secret, I wanted to tell you so many times" piper bounced around as we got home.

"That would've ruined the surprise" I chuckled, "now go get ready, you've got stuff to do" I waved her off to her room.

She got her stuff and we brought her to her friends place, "we'll see you tomorrow"
Anthony said as we got there to drop her off

"Byeee" she smiled

"We'll miss you" I waved as she went inside.

We went back home, "I didn't know you could come up with something so sweet" I wrapped my arms around Anthony's neck

"Yeah but it was mostly Piper who helped me come up with it" he chuckled nervously, placing his hands on my waist, "but she didn't plan what I was going to say, she helped a little. She didn't plan this though" he kissed me.

Our kiss grew more intense before we broke apart, "we have to get ready, we have reservations" I told him

"Or we could just stay here" he grinned, pulling me closer to him.

"But then we're waisting a reservation" I giggled.

"Ok ok, we can continue this after dinner" he walked off.

We ate dinner, walking back to our apartment hand in hand. He barley waited till we made it inside and the door was shut before his lips were on mine. Things escalated quickly, his shirt was already in the floor.
That's all, I refuse to write smut about real people.

The next day I woke up with a freckled face right in front of mine. I smiled to myself and tried to wiggle out of his hold, his arms were wrapped around me. His warm chest against me was making me overheat a little so I got up, trying not to wake him and succeeded.

I made us coffee and started breakfast when he got up, making his way into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled, "you're up"

"Mhm" his vice still sleepy

We ate breakfast and when it came time, we picked up Piper, "did you have fun with your friends" I asked her

She went off, telling us everything they did, we listened. She talks so much now which makes me happy, she didn't talk this much when I first met her, well after she freaked out from being in my dressing room.

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