Part 26

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"Hey, why don't we go to do something before you have to go do your thing," Anthony suggested.

Piper hadn't been paying attention and don't hear what he said.

"You alright, Pipes?" Jazzy asked

"Huh, yeah I'm ok," she zoned back into the conversation, "just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing," Piper got up and walked off to her room.

Jasmine turned to give Anthony a confused look only to see him just as confused, "that was weird," she said.

She's never really been like that, she's usually quite happy and somewhat hyper. She was thinking pretty hard about something and seemed to be conflicted with something.

"Maybe she's just tired," Anthony shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe" Jazzy nodded in agreement though she was a little worried, Piper always wanted to talk, never just walked away.

Anthony was a little worried too, he just didn't want show it and worry Jasmine more.

They sat around until they had to go. Jazzy got up and knocked on Pipers door, "Pipes, you ready?" She asked, walking into her room.

She found her laying on her bed, not ready. "No." She replied.

"How come? you're going to be late"

"I just don't wanna go," she sat up.

"What, you never want to miss practice," Jazzy sat next to her.

"I don't know," she sighed, "I don't ever want to anymore."


"Ever. I think I wanna quit," Piper said, shocking Jasmine.

"You want to quit gymnastics? Why?"

She didn't answer, Jazzy let her take her time but after a minute of her not saying anything, Jazzy had just pulled her into a hug.

"You wanna talk?" She asked.

Piper shook her head slowly. Her hand had made its way towards Jazzys.

"Well how about you stay home today, then you can come to the theatre with us" she nodded with this.

Seeing everyone at the theatre would cheer her up, Jazzy knew that, and Piper was just happy thinking about seeing everyone there. She also really just loved being there, just being in the theatre made her feel happy.

"And we can walk when we get home"

Piper took a deep breath, smiled and smiled before hopping off her bed, pulling Jazzy up with her. They sat with Anthony on the couch who was waiting for them to go. Jazzy just told him they could talk later, for now they're staying home.

It's kinda cold out, -6° and it's supposed to snow and I want it to snow but I don't because I don't want snow for Halloween🧶

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