24 : Yours

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[ Before starting the chapter, I apologise for unintentionally hurting my readers with my words, I said that in the heat of moment bcs I was very upset and felt lonely.I accept it was insensitive of me to say 'I'm disappointed' when none of you knew about the matter..I hope you all forgive me for that ]


Jungkook buttoned up his shirt and stared at his reflection in the mirror with an expression of annoyance plaster on his face.He is not very pleased with the idea of his wife being hours away from him.His nerves are going to throb like tickling bomb, might explode any moment in her absence.

Pulling his lower lip between his teeth in frustration, he grabbed his tie and groaned at the failed attempt.The deep frown on his face replaced with a cheerful smile after his gaze landed on the small frame of his wife, standing at the bathroom's doorframe.His eyes roamed all over her body, taking every single detail of her.He didn't even left yet and here he already started to miss her.

"Can you help me with the tie" He asked, feeling heat rushing to his cheeks.

She nodded, internally rolling her eyes at his act.Every single thing about him disgust her.She stood in front of him while he wrapped his arms around her waist.She gulped, avoiding the urge to yank his arms away yet she could feel the adrenaline rush as the fear strike her.

Her knuckles grazed over the collar of his shirt, the scenarios of him choking her mercilessly flashes in front of her eyes.Her hand pulled the piece of fabric a little too tight as if her hands have a mind of its own, resulting in him letting out cough and stepping back as her actions caught him off guard.

She was this close to knock the breath out of him with the precious tie.

"What was that?" He asked while loosening the tie around his neck.She looked to the ground and mumbled an small apology.He heaved out a sigh and wear his coat before walking back to his wife who stood frozen at her place.A chuckle left his lips as he towered over the girl comparatively shorter than him.

"Wish me honey" He said while leaning even more closer to her.His lips moved closer to hers, his eyes stayed fixed on her lips as he felt his heart rate accelerating at the thought of her lips against him.

"Congratulations" She exclaimed a little too loudly and walked towards the dresser to grab her handbag, avoiding the taller male who's shoulder slumped down and lips puckered together into a small pout.

"Can you buy me a new phone?" She asked before he could utter a word.He smiled and nodded, earning a sweet fake smile from her.


"Let's go" She exclaimed and walked out of the room with him following behind.

They both reach downstairs in the living room.Mrs.Jeon smiled and pat Jungkook's shoulder showing a sign of affection.

"Jungkook we're getting late, let's go" Mr.Jeon exclaimed, fixing his coat and walked towards the exit but Jungkook's brows furrowed in pure worry.

"But I was supposed to drop yn at her parents place" Jungkook gestured to his mother who looked at her husband's retreating back and called out his name to stop him on his track.

"We can't be late today, it will create a bad impression.Jungkook don't worry about yn, my driver will drop her"

His father spoke out his mind, leaving no room for Jungkook to argue.He almost imagined that male's death in his mind.His dark eyes dig hole at his father's retreating back and followed him.

Yn sigh in relief and left the mansion.She hop into the car and drove to her parents place.


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