20 : Savior or a troublesome?

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My mind turned back to all the possibilities that could happen at this moment.My body shivered in fear just at the thought of it as I was dragged aside.I struggled under that person's strong grip who I assume is a male, I couldn't help but panic more.

I elbowed him in the stomach earning a low whimper from him which reached right into my ear.As if his tight hold wasn't enough, he literally squeezed me between his arms as I wiggled to free myself but apparently he is two times stronger than me.

"Let me go you jerk!" With that I hit his feet, he groaned at the impact of my heel against his left feet.His grip around my loosened, taking the advantage of this opportunity I free myself from him.

Just when I took a step forward to run, he said something which made my eyes widen in shock.


How does he know my name? Is he perhaps one of Jungkook's men? At last I came to a conclusion that Jungkook could go to any extent to get me.He must've hired men to prevent me from escaping.

I turned around and looked at the taller male who is currently wincing in pain while clutching his leg.I gulped as he tilt his head up and stared at me.Judging by his expression, I could tell he is pissed.My brain continued screaming in my head to run but I couldn't move a single muscle.I was terrified even though I prepared myself to escape despite whatever I've go through but now it's like my body went numb.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in the corner.

"That wasn't so pleasing you know" He whispered in a low cold tone.His jet black eyes stared at me for a millisecond before averting it to peek back at the empty road.

"You work for Jungkook right? How much is he paying you?" I find myself asking such a stupid question.Off course he must be working for him.

"I don't work for anyone, I'm here just to help you if you are Choi yn who apparently got married to some bastard" My mouth agape at his words.

What if he is lying? I can't just believe a random dude who looks like a thug, judging from his tattoos, pierced lips and long messy hairs.What if he is fooling me to waste my time till Jungkook reaches here?

I gasped at my thoughts and started struggling to free my hand from him.

"Let me go" I pleaded while trying everything to get rid of his grip on my wrist.He didn't free me even after I scratched his hand with my nails.

"Stop struggling, will you?" He was irritated at this point.What he thought would be a easy task turn out complete opposite.It wouldn't be so hard if that Yoongi guy hasn't told him to be gentle to this girl.

"I am Park Jimin, your savior" He said dramatically and released her wrist, she quickly turned her heels to run.He almost immediately facepalmed himself before pulling out his phone and dialed a number.

"Jimin? Did you got yn?" She stopped after hearing a very familiar voice.

Dr.Min's voice?

"Yea but she is running away, tell her yourself because she isn't someone I would like to waste my time on" With that Jimin leaned against the wall and watched how yn came back and snatched the phone from his hand.

How rude..

"Dr.Min?" She spoke and find herself tearing up.

"Yn, are you alright?" I covered my mouth with my palm, trying to prevent myself from crying.

""I'm n-not... I'm not, help me please" She cried out miserably.Jimin's brows furrowed as he stared at the sobbing woman who was ready to fight him a minute ago.He didn't expected her to cry out like a five year old.

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