17 : Pain

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Next Morning - Your Pov

I opened my eyes only to shut them tightly feeling the throbbing pain in my head.I still feel weak that I couldn't even think of moving a single muscle.I opened my eyes after a few minutes of groaning in discomfort and pain.

I looked around in the room, my vision is still not clear but enough for me to recognise that I'm in the same room I tried to escape last night.I tried to move my hands but hissed in pain as realisation hit me.I'm still tied up to bed.

What did he do after I passed out? My baby...I looked down at my belly only to gasp in utter shock.Tears formed in my eyes as I stared at the blood stained top of mine.No...he can't do anything to my baby…

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to get rid of the handcuffs but to no avail, my wrist only got bruised in the process.Without being able to believe or think, I started crying loudly.

The door of my room slammed open and walked in Jungkook with a cup of coffee in his hand.His brows ceased together as he approached me and sat next to me.

"Why are you crying honey?" He cupped my cheeks making me cry out in disgust even more.

"What the hell did you do!" I shouted at him while crying."How could y-you…." I choked out.

Yoongi's Pov - two days later

I groaned in frustration while looking at the email.First they took almost 72 hours to respond and worse that they are restricting me from getting a check-up on Taehyung.Is it not a bit too sus? What if they are already bribed? 

I didn't get permission to meet Taehyung which is even more frustrating.

"We are really sorry but as per the strict orders from the Jeons, No one is allowed to meet the patient.We are just doing our job" 

I'm sick of hearing the same words and why did Jeons restrict everyone from visiting Taehyung? Are they trying to keep Tae away from them or yn as she is married to Jungkook now? But they are not cruel to put their son in this brutal conditions..Lord! I'm so stressed..

And I'm not able to reach yn at all.She was supposed to come back early but there's no text or call from her.Even her phone is not reachable.. 

I've to do something but what!?

In the asylum - 

Loud screams and yells were all that echoed in the empty corridor which were coming from the room where Taehyung is locked.

It's another doze of shock which he is getting in the name of treatment.His painful screams started fading away as his eyelids got heavier.After a lot of torture to his brain, he once again fell into darkness.

"Yn….mom.." He chanted the same words like every time before passing out completely.The guy doesn't even know what's happening anymore, all he remembers is waking up and getting the torture until he passes out.

Only if others know what has happened and who is the reason behind everything then maybe he wouldn't be here.

Flashbacks -

Taehyung looked around while trying to calm his rapid heartbeat.Natalie was standing in front of him saying the only words which needed to be in his mind.

"Move.. I'll do it myself" Jungkook spoke and bent down to grab Taehyung's jaw.He smirked seeing his helpless state..

"Funny isn't it? You are here suffering and your lovely parents don't even bother to check what's wrong with their son..I wonder if you are even their son" Jungkook chuckled as Taehyung clenched his jaw and yanked his hand away.

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