03x01 - The Birthday

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Klaus dragged Mira out of the car, she stumbled a little, attempting to regain her balance. Her strength was diminishing by the day and it took a minute or two for the dizziness to stop, not that the hybrid or the ripper noticed. The weather was incredibly humid and yucky resulting in immediate fever on the siphoner. She wiped her forehead, coming up with a lot of sweat. Damn the Tennessee weather.

'You remember what we're doing?' The hybrid asked pulling her along.

'Yeah, yeah,' Mira said tiredly. The plan had been explained to her only like three times but she was getting frustrated. 'I'm your girlfriend. Lost my phone. She invites you in and I lead another innocent person to their death.' She rolls her eyes.

Klaus suddenly vamp-speeds towards the house, causing Mira's stomach to lurch. If she had anything in her stomach she most definitely would've thrown up.

'It's too hot to make me come looking for you!' A lady called, seemingly looking for a lost dog.

She turned around and gasped at the closeness of both hybrids.

'I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you,' Klaus said with the most faux accent that if Mira wasn't so exhausted she's be rolling on the ground laughing. Klaus wrapped his arm around Mira's waist and she didn't bother struggling like she usually did.

'Can I help you?'

'Yeah, my uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back. We feel like we've been walking forever,' he said gesturing towards Mira.

'Your house is the first house we've come to,' she said smiling towards the girl who would most definitely become a victim. The woman smiled back, seemingly trusting Mira more than Klaus. 'I forgot to pay the bill and my boyfriend's phone is dead,' Mira said keeping up with the boyfriend-girlfriend ruse that they'd used way too many times for her liking.

'We were just hoping we could use your phone,' Klaus added. 'Look, we promise were not serial killers we just want to use your phone.'

Mira rolled her eyes. That's totally what a serial killer would say.

'Sure,' the girl said and Klaus smirked.

'So, I can come in?'

'No,' she said defiantly and Mira bit her lip, it was the newest habit she had made for when she got nervous considering she could no longer walk back and forth. 'I'll get the phone and bring it out to you.'

Oh my god you are so dead.

Klaus' smirk dropped, and with it so did his horrendous attempt at an American accent.

'I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting,' he said in his British accent. Mira didn't like many things about this man but damn if his voice wasn't smooth.

'I'm from Florida.'

'Well, that explains it,' Klaus raced towards the girl, wrapping his hand around her neck. The sudden absence of his hand around Mira's waist made her stumble. She hadn't realized he was basically holding her up. 'Now show me a little Southern hospitality, sweet pea,' he compelled.

Klaus looked backwards to notice Mira slowly walking away. 'And where do you think you're going love?'

Mira raised her hand. 'I'm tired Klaus,' she said weakly. 'I'm going to wait in the car. Find me when you're done killing them.'

Klaus frowned as he watched her for a second, stumbling away. Did she think he didn't notice her slowly deteriorating state? The way he could practically feel just her bones when he grabbed her arm through the thick jackets she always wore? The bags under her eyes, the pale complexion of her skin. If he didn't know what a survivor she was, he'd almost be certain that she was dying.

The Siphoner (TVD & TO) - Niklaus Mikaelson (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now