02x07 - Masquerade

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Junior year was one for the books.

Mira knew about the dangers of Mystic Falls and how it was the origin of vampires. She knew about the originals, about Katherine, about how the curse of the sun and moon was fake. She knew about the forged history documents forged by said originals. She knew about Katherine and knew about Elena Gilbert, the latest Petrova Doppelganger. Watching from afar she saw how Damon Salvatore screwed up almost every attempt at opening the tomb, and when Anna entered town. The only thing she felt only the slightest bit guilty about was Sheila, who had (after a time of suspicion) managed to overcome millenniums of bias and had accepted Mira of her mutation. In order to keep herself somewhat in the loop Mira had partially befriended Caroline and Bonnie, ensuring that she stayed away from the human doppelganger and her boy-toys. And in all honesty, she didn't want the drama that came along when someone fell in love with a human doppelganger- let alone two vampire brothers who literally had the same fight over a century and a half ago over Katherine.

Overtime Mira knew that Bonnie had become more suspicious of her, so she spent more time with her actual friendship group. Bonnie knew that Mira hung around with her grandmother a lot and learnt occult things from her, which raised her suspicions of Mira even further.

Sheila was like a second mother to Mira. After a few months of being cautious around the girl Sheila recognized she was just a girl. Just a little girl who had no one. Although choosing not to divulge the secrets of her past, Mira had begun to see Sheila as family. Sheila helped her with her magic, helping her add new things to her grimoire and practicing spells. No one, not even Bonnie, knew about their mother-daughter relationship, half because Bonnie had yet to learn of her origin and half because Sheila, even though she'd never admit it to the girl, wanted to protect Bonnie from the little siphoner that was still learning control over her own mutation.

When Bonnie began to learn more magic and get stronger Mira made a point of staying away from her and making sure she didn't touch her, and on the day of the masquerade ball everything changed.

Mira kind of knew about what they were going to do with Katherine. Listening in using spells and spying on the Salvatore house made it easy, especially when she placed listening charms all throughout the Salvatore Boarding house.

Although she knew she had to attend the masquerade ball she really didn't want to go. Knowing Bonnie had gotten more powerful made her nervous, especially when she saw her identify another witch. When Mira realized all Bonnie had to do was touch her and she'd realize what she was, she decided to steer clear of it.

Dressed in a dark red satin dress that made its way to her ankle and a slit up the right side that made it midway up her thigh, Mira walked outside of the Lockwood home that was hosting the masquerade. Looking around the lawn covered in people, she spotted Bonnie, the doppelganger and the doppelgangers brother, Jeremy Gilbert hiding away behind a hedge and it seemed they were in an intense argument, until the doppelganger cried out in pain. Curious as to what was going on she peeked around the hedge to hear Bonnie yell "Jeremy its Katherine- she's linked to Katherine! Get them to stop! Now!" after a few moments Jeremy ran up to the Lockwood mansion and disappeared into the Lockwood mansion.

Bonnie, holding onto the doppelgangers arm said "I can't break the spell- Elena - I'm sorry" looking genuinely upset. "but I can try to take some of the pain away, okay?" Mira, sighing, looked around to see if anyone was around, and also looking for a miracle solution although, obviously none presented itself. Slowly walking up to the pair she made herself known. "I can break the spell" she said looking at Bonnie. Crying out in pain again Elena nodded willing to let anyone help without giving it a second thought.

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