҂ lucas being drunk :D ҂

955 36 35

req from Pagdumot

set in original time period.

uhhh you might either die from cringe, laughter, fluff or all three while reading this chapter, have fun i guess!


The casino was alive with shouts of frustration and delight, blinding yellow lights lighting up the room. In a faraway corner, four teenagers stood away from all the excitement.

"I think we gave Lucas too much alcohol....," Jeanette whispered, looking down at the half-conscious magician. Ijekiel sighed, exasperated.

"Imagine being a thousand years old and having a low alcohol tolerance..."

"Well don't just stand there! Help me get him up!" Athy shrugged Lucas off and he fell onto the floor.

"Felix isn't going to be here anytime soon to pick us up so we'll just have to survive here for an hour."

Lucas climbed up onto his knees and pushed himself against the wall.

"Mmmm, where are we?"

He was vaguely aware of the bitter taste of leftover tequila on his tongue and the fading voices of his friends. Oh, that's right. They had convinced Claude to let them visit a nearby casino and he had unwillingly let the group talk him into taking several shots. Oh god, they were so going to pay. After he got out of this mess, that is. Lucas prided himself on being a grounded, clear-headed adult but right now, his head pounded at every thought that passed through his mind. It was the soft yet firm voice of one soon to be queen who brought him back from his mindless state.

"Lucas can you hear me?"

Her hand went around the back of his head, fingers curling into his own jet black hair and lifting him up. They were warm, he later realised, and she had smelt like the flowery tea she so loved to drink. He wasn't aware of his own mouth moving until the words tumbled off his tongue and into the open air.

"Athy? You smell of flowers...and herbs...and the palace..."

Jenette grabbed a nearby empty glass and raised it.

"Just say the word and I'll hit him with it."

Athy lifted up her eyebrows and gently tapped Lucas's back.

"Let's just get the hell away from here," she replied. "So is anyone going to help me lift him up?"

Ijekiel came forward and grasped his ankles harshly.

"Owwww Alpheus can't you be a bit gentler like Athy here??"

The boy ignored his protests and lifted him up with ease.

"Where are we putting him?"

Athy sighed.

"I don't want to deal with this a moment longer. We'll go to the carriage and wait for Felix."

Jeanette pouted.

"Awww Athy, I haven't even had a turn at that poker game over there yet!"

Ijekiel turned swiftly.

"Nope, you are not gambling on my watch."

Athy almost snapped, but she instead took a deep breathe and exhaled.

"Ijekiel, you look after Jeanette as she....does stuff... I'll stay with Lucas. Be sure to be back in an hour. But first, Ijekiel, help me carry Lucas."

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