҂attheia's birth҂

849 35 13

req from mikasenpaidesu


The whole family was seated in the hallway just a few meters away from the ward, and it was easy to sense the nervousness- Jeanette was biting her nails, Ijekiel had read the same passage in his book forty seven times already, Claude was pacing up and down the room, Lucas was restlessly moving in his seat, Diana was scrolling through her phone looking for newborn infant clothes and Anastasius....well, Anastasius was sleeping. What a lovely uncle he is. There was a loud sound of high heels clacking urgently on the white marble floor as Penelope hurriedly headed over to the family (while still trying to keep her elegance and sort of failing-) holding bags of food and beverage for the anxious group.

Geez, I know everyone is anxious but not resting will ruin their beautiful faces!

"Everyone, I brought food for us all!"

Jeanette stood up and headed over to her mother while hiding her hands behind her back, Penelope hated it when she bit her nails and "ruined" them.

"Thanks, mum"

Jeanette then took the bags off her mother and distributed the items inside to the others as Penelope took a seat next to her snoozing husband and grumbled about how her heels were digging into her feet due to the rush to bring food. Everyone was disheartened but still appreciated Penny's effort and so they swallowed down the chips and juice without complaint.

After everyone had had their own share of food, they continued to listen carefully for any signs of what was happening in the room a few meters away. Soon after, Jeanette and Diana left to join Athy as the procedure started. The bitter scent of antiseptic floated through the air and Lucas continued to fidget with his fingers. Subconsciously, he wondered if Athy was alright. Immediately after thinking that, he banged his head on a wall for asking such a stupid question. Penelope raised her eyebrows and gave him a light slap on the shoulder.

"Stop it."

"I'm sorry, my wife is in labour!"

"Athy also happens to be my niece," she responded coolly. "We're just as worried as you are."

Lucas dropped back into his seat. "Yeah. Sorry."

A muffled scream came from the other room, and everyone seemed to stiffen up.

"Uh- Do you think we should go in?"

Penelope almost fainted at the idea. "Absolutely not! Besides, Jeanette and Diana are with her; it's the best support she can get."

Lucas was in the middle of nodding when he heard another pained scream. But a few minutes later, Jeanette came jogging up through the hall. Peeking in, she smiled softly. A baby's wail could be heard faintly.

"It's a girl. Diana's inside with Athy." 

The whole room seemed to relax and soften at the news. Ijekiel practically threw down his book and Claude finally took a seat, his head resting in his head. While Penelope shook Anastacius awake, Lucas allowed himself to smile in relief.

"When can I go see them?"

Jeanette grinned, enveloping him into a hug.

"Right now- Athy just asked for you."

Out of the corner of Lucas's eye, he could see Claude giving him a death stare, but couldn't care less.

Lucas strode into the room and saw Athy, making his way towards her and gently sitting down beside her on the edge of the bed. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead and blood stained her hospital gown. In her arms was a small baby girl, swaddled in clean white covers. Looking up, her lips curved into a tiny smile. Leaning forward, Lucas brushed a strand of hair away from her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I was so worried, waiting in the other room. I wanted to just burst in everytime I could hear you."

"My mum and Jetty were with me."

"I know-I know, and I trust them but I was just- so scared of losing you- and the baby-"

Athy took his hand, and they sat there in silence for a few moments, treasuring the few minutes they would have together before the whole family came bursting in. 

"I'm alright. And look, she has your hair."

Attheia was a very lucky person, for she had inherited both her parents best features. With soft tufts of black silky hair and eyes the colour of a summer's sky, she giggled and lifted up her arms, opening and closing her hands. 

Well, Claude will be delighted by that, thought Lucas. The Obelia's were always known for having the same shade of blue eyes that had been passed down from generation to generation. He leaned forward and hugged the two of them, holding them like they were the only things he needed in life. He had his own family now, a family that would always be there with him.

"I love you so much, Athy and Attheia. I'm so happy."


thankyou for all the reqs!! I'll just be writing them in the order I received them :D my friend helped me write this one and I'm glad I could fit in some family time together as well! 

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