҂ they bake a cake ҂

736 37 6

modern au. 


The doorbell of Athy's house ran as Lucas stood outside patiently. Athy set her book down and walked over to see him.

"Did you bring all the ingredients?"

"Yeah. Can I come in now?"

Athy stepped aside, taking the bags from his hands and dumping them on the kitchen table.

"So...What are we doing today? I'm assuming that because you made me buy a shit ton of food, we're baking a cake."

Athy nodded, pulling out measuring cups and bowls.

"I thought we could make a vanilla cake today."

Lucas sighed. "You do know that I'm terrible at cooking, right?"

"Same! We can fail together!" Athy paused for a second. "We just can't burn the house down. Then my parents will actually kill me."

"Speaking of your parents, where are they?"

"Oh, they've given us a few hours by ourselves."

Leading Lucas to the kitchen bench, she pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Ok, it says here that we need softened butter, castor sugar, eggs, sifted flour, baking powder, vanilla extract and salt."

"Is that it?"

Lucas pulled open the packet of flour, dumping some into a measuring cup and getting some on the table and floor as well. Athy gasped, cutting a few pieces of butter onto a plate.

"Oh my god, why are you so careless around such disastrous things like flour?"

"Excuse me? Flour is not dangerous," Lucas grinned while adding some salt.

"Yes, it is! If it gets into your eyes, you won't be able to see."

"I guess that's a good point," he muttered as he scooped up some flour and flung it into Athy. 

Athy screamed, jumping back and throwing some flour onto Lucas in retaliation.

"You're cleaning this up when we finish!"

"That is not fair!"

"Well you started this!"

After a few minutes of playfully punching and flinging flour onto each other, they settled down, leaning on the counter for breath.

"I invited you over here to make a cake, not cover me in flour and make me look like a ghost monster," Athy frowned as she dusted off her dress. 

"Let's just get on with it," Lucas responded, grabbing a whisk and mixing all the dry ingredients together. As Athy measured some extract, Lucas bumped into her, making her spill some of it.

"Lucas, I love you, but right now, I really want to bang a metal frying pan over your head," Athanasia sighed as she grabbed a nearby tea towel and cleaned up the mess. 

Lucas grinned idiotically as he opened a pantry door and lifted out a mixer.

"Who's going to do it?"

"I will since you're so goddamn clumsy," Athy declared, plugging in the mixer and turning it onto low speed.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked sceptically, eyeing the beater. "I mean, I don't want the batter to be all over-"

"Too late!" Athy said cheerfully, directing the mixer in his direction. "This is payback for the flour," she told him as she calmly returned to mixing everything.

"Thank god I wore a black shirt today," Lucas thought as he looked down at his very stained top and made a mental note to borrow the washing machine at Athy's house. 

a few minutes later

"oK! That's it! It's ready to go in the oven now-"

"Idiot, we haven't preheated the oven yet and we still need to put it into a pan," Lucas deadpanned.

"Yep! This is why I'm terrible at cooking!" Athy dialled the temperature number to 180 and poured in the mixture. 

"By the way, you should get changed."

"Yeah, because someone tried and successfully ruined my shirt." Athy patted his shoulder.

"Chill. I have one of your shirts with me."

Lucas completely freaked out.

"What the heck!"

"You were the one who left it here a few days ago, smart one." 

Athy stalked to her bedroom, determined to find it. 

"Oh yeah, keep an eye out on the oven!"


Athy came back wringing out a soft crisp shirt.

"Here- get changed in the living room. And we should probably wash our current clothes too."


"Excuse me for being kind," she shot back, returning to her room.

"Oh! The preheat is over!"

"The put the fricking pan into the oven!"

"I can't! I'm half naked!

"I don't care!"

"Oh my god!"

In the end, Lucas went out without his shirt on and pushed the tin into the burning hot oven. Athy later joined him, a clean new summer dress on her.

"How long is it in the oven for?"

"Shoot, I don't know, let me check the book," Athy hurried to the table.


"There's no need to shout in my ear," Lucas responded, setting a timer on his watch. 



Both Athy and Lucas walked over to the oven, a fork in Athy's hand.

"Ok, why are you brandishing a fork like the cake is going to attack us?"

"It's because I need to poke it into the cake to see if it's fully cooked."

"And you say you can't cook."

"My mother drilled it into me before she let me into the kitchen," Athy retorted, opening the oven and letting the steam wash over them.

"It's cooked- Oh, it burns."

"Of course it does," Lucas said with a sigh, lifting the pan out with his covered hands. 

Cutting out a small piece, Athy tasted it carefully, grimacing.

"Is it bad?"

"It's better than I expected."

Hearing this, Lucas also started eating it.

"You're right, maybe we aren't so bad at cooking," he laughed as he noticed a crumb of cake near Athy's mouth. Leaning down, he brushed it away and kissed the spot, probably leaving more crumbs there. 


i had no idea how to end this chapter so uh yeah i just stopped there

I'm writing an angst one next hehe, i promise it will have more lucathy moments >_<

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