҂ dancing in the rain ҂

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in the original time period.

n.b・they aren't together in this chapter


The ballroom was alive with excitement as Athanasia glanced around. Surprisingly, she wasn't in the mood for dancing right now. She looked towards where Claude was standing, looking overall very bored and annoyed. No one would miss her if she just went outside for a few minutes, right? Sneaking out of the room, she quietly walked into another room with a balcony. Stepping out, she took a breath of fresh air, glad to be away from the noise. But her peace didn't last long, as she heard the door slowly creak open.


Lucas watched from a dark corner as his friend slipped away from the lights and party. Raising his eyebrow, he debated over whether he should follow her.

She might not want to be followed; maybe she wants time to herself said one half of him. But that just made him want to go more and annoy her.

That would be very cruel of you. He coughed. Well, maybe she would like some company to cheer her up.

Like you could ever do that. Pushing those thoughts away, he placed his drink down and went the same way she had left. 


"Ha. You seriously escaped from your own party?"

Athy gritted her teeth. Why did Lucas have to always barge into her private space? Closing her eyes, she mentally pepared herself and replied, "It's not my party. I'm not the host."

"Even so. Why leave like that?"

"You're seriously oblivious, aren't you?"

A flash of shock passed through the boy's face, but he quickly rearranged it back to a neutral expression. 

"I guess you can say that."

"Just leave me alone," Athy said cooly. "I came here to rest and think peacefully, not to deal with you."

"You make it sound like I'm a bad person."

Before Athanasia could think of an answer, tiny droplets of rain began to fall from the sky.

"Shoot," Lucas swore under his breath. "Athy, come back. Your dress is going to be soaked, you might catch a cold and then Claude will kill us all."

Despite her irritation of being interrupted, Athy couldn't help but smile. "You could just cast a drying spell or whatever on me."

"I don't care. What's bothering you?" Lucas walked across the room and outside into the rain to stand next to her.

"I know you usually don't like parties, but you always tolerated them."

"There's just too much on my mind right now."

"Would you like to talk?" Athy bit back a laugh.

"When have you ever been one to talk about feelings?"

"Oh, so it's feelings now?" She mentally hit herself on the head. 

"Just frick off, Lucas." With that, she walked out of the room, hair damp from the rain. But no sooner had she taken a few steps did Lucas, equally annoyed and wet, caught her by the arm.

"No, not until you tell me what you mean about feelings."

Athy half heartedly kicked his legs in an attempt for him to let her go. Lucas was in pain, but still held onto her.

"When you were practising for your debutante, you asked me to dance with you for practice."

Athanasia turned around, surprised that he still remembered.

"I thought you would have forgot."

"I just remembered." Athy sighed.

"What do you want, then?"

"Dance with me."

An awkward silence filled the room.


"It might make you feel better."

"It won't."

Before Athy could walk away, Lucas had pulled her into a starting position for a waltz.  Leading her, he stepped backward, delicately holding her hands, hands that were soft, hands that felt like they had never know hardship, though Lucas knew that wasnt true. The rain was coming down harder now, drenching them in water.

"We're going to get wet."

"No shit sherlock," Lucas said.

"Lilien's going to be so mad at me."

"Like you said, I can just make you dry."

"Would you do that for me?" Lucas swallowed.

"Yes. I would."

A basic waltz was a ballroom dance, which required the two people dancing to be physically close to eachother, with their head turned outwards in the opposite direction. Because of that, both Athy and Lucas gazed out into the distance, raindrops falling onto their faces, their bodies pressed against eachother. 

There was an aching feeling in Athanasia's heart, something she hadn't felt since she had been reincarnated into the book, fearing for her life. It wasn't that, either. She knew Lucas would never hurt her. And it wasn't nostalgia, either. The scent of wet grass and plants drifted up from the garden beneath them. Inhaling deeply, she realised it was bittersweetness. The sweetness of being intimate with a person so much it was like you could see what was going though their head, and feeling safe in their arms, but the bitterness of knowing that you'll never get closer; you could only go backwards. How ironic.

 Athy had been so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't realise they had finished the dance. By now, her blonde curls now stuck to her face, and her blue dress had shrunk by a considerable amount. Shivering slightly, she let go of Lucas and headed back inside.

"Do you need me to...??" Athy knew what he meant.

"No. I'll just take a bath when I get back. My presence at the ball wasn't needed anyways." Athanasia stopped, hand resting on the doorhandle.

"Thankyou. For being with me."

Every place without you, Athanasia, will always be not worth going to. Lucas turned back and jumped from the balcony, landing softly on the wet grass. 


I'm sorry if i got the information wrong about the waltz, i read it in another fanfiction and assumed the author had done their research 😅if it was a short chapter, i am sorry as well

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