҂ hanahaki ҂

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modern au. 

n.b・lucas is good friends with ijekiel here bc i said so.

i think this is going to be a long chapter, so get ready

actually, i might split it into two sections....we'll see


Lucas wandered through the medical section in the public library, head racing with thoughts. Ah. It's here. Sliding the book out, he found a spare table in the corner, and pulled out a seat, flipping the pages until he saw what he was looking for.


an illness that forms from unrequited love, where the victim's throat will fill up with flowers that they will proceed to cough up. One of the only two ways to cure it is for the said person to return the love (it has to be genuine romantic love, not friendship love.) Another is to surgically remove the flowers, however, one severe side effect is for all feelings of love to also disappear. If the patient chooses neither option, their lungs will eventually fill up with flowers and suffocate. While there is no specific flower, it varies from time to time. The illness can take several months to a year to develop. When the victim starts to cough up fully grown flowers, the illness has reached its last stages.

Lucas's hand flew to his throat, immediately expecting petals to come out. Shivering, he tore out the page and tucked it into his pocket. Why was he being so paranoid? It wasn't like he had ever loved someone... Really? An image of a blonde haired blue eyed young girl drifted into his mind. Taking a deep breath, Lucas shoved Athanasia out of his thoughts. He had work to do today, and pondering over his death that would result from "unrequited love" did not seem like a good idea. 

Leaving the library, he took the nearest bus home, and texted Ijekiel.


12:46 pm

hey can I come over and 

have lunch at ur house

Leaning against the edge of the window, Lucas looked out, wondering if there was a way to get diagnosed for hanahaki. Maybe Ijekiel would know, since he was the next smartest person he knew. His dad also had connections in the medical field, so even if everything else failed he could at least live. ping.


12:52 pm

Yea, sure-

Is anything wrong?

Thanks, i'd just like to talk

Ok, i'll see you soon

Getting off the bus, Lucas started walking in the direction of Ijekiel's house. He could have done it with his eyes closed, since he had gone so many times. Ringing the doorbell, he stood outside, waiting. The door swung open.

"Lucas, you don't look too good. Did something happen?"

"Ah, I'll tell you later. Can I come in?"

Ijekiel stood aside, following him into the dining room.

"My parents are out, so you can tell me anything." Lucas looked down. "I know."

Ijekiel sensed that there was something going on, and tried to lighten the mood.

"I have some leftover fried rice, if you'd like?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

Scooping up some rice with his spoon, Lucas couldn't help but let his fingers tremble. Ijekiel noticed, and frowned.

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