҂ ice skating ҂

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modern au. 


Athy walked through the long hallways of her house, humming happily.

"On another date with Lucas?" She turned around to see her mother, Diana, leaning against the doorway. Athy nodded, tying up her shoelaces.

"Mhmm." Diana smiled softly, glad to see her daughter so happy. 

"We're going ice skating at the nearby rink," Athy added, pulling a large sweater over her head and wrapping a scarf around her neck. 

"Well, that explains why you're wearing so much," came a cold voice. Claude walked over to join his wife and daughter. "What time are you coming back?"

Athy checked the watch strapped to her wrist and shrugged.

"I think maybe at four. Don't worry, I'll definitely be back for dinner!" With that, she stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her, blonde hair cascading down her back. 


Athy stepped off the bus, attracting weird looks because of her unusual outfit. Hurrying into the building, she caught sight of Lucas, standing casually against the edge of the rink. Catching sight of Athanasia, his normally annoyed expression broke out into a smile.

"Hey," he said, bringing her into a hug. Athy grinned, melting into the embrace.

"I still don't get why you always come earlier than me," she complained, frowning.

Lucas suppressed a laugh but didn't answer her.

"I bet you got a lot of stares out on the streets."

"Yeah, I did; It was really awkward..."

Her boyfriend pulled back and kissed her forehead.

"Have you ever gone ice skating before?"

Athy scrunched up her forehead, thinking.

"Yeah, probably a few times when I was a kid. I don't remember, though."

"Perfect. That means the first time you'll ever remember ice skating will be with me." Athy laughed, her dark blue eyes shining. 

"Keep in mind, though; I think I'm a terrible ice skater."

Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"If you fall, I'll just catch you." Athy hit him lightly on the shoulder.

"Please- stop being so full of yourself." 

After pulling on their ice skates, the couple walked into the ice rink. Well, it was more like Lucas gracefully gliding in and Athy almost slipping.

"Be careful-" Lucas held her in his arms, half trying not to smile. Athy sighed.

"Can you skate?" She asked him, turning her head up to him. Lucas blinked at the sudden question. 

"Yes, of course. I took skating lessons when I was a child."

"It seems like you took lessons for every sport you could think of when you were younger," she contemplated, grabbing hold onto the wall so she wouldn't slip. Lucas hummed thoughtfully.

"Yeah, probably." He looked at Athanasia, still struggling to balance on the ice. 

"Here- turn your skates inward towards each other with your heels out, so it'll be easier to stand and stop." Athy followed his instructions, shuffling her feet.

"Did you learn all this? And remember it?"

"I remember every small thing, Athy," he replied.

Holding her hand in his, he guided her around the ice rink.

"Another thing," Lucas added. "Don't lean backwards, it'll only make you fall more." The two leaned in against each other, a comfortable silence filling the void. 



"Can I see you skate?"

Lucas turned, surprised. "Of course. Are you sure you can stand on your own now?" Athy glared daggers at him. 

Letting go of her hand, Lucas glided over to the centre of the rink. As he moved around, Athy could only stare in wonder. His movements were natural, both him and his skates moving fluidly together. Bringing his right foot back to the left, Lucas zigzagged across the area. Coming to a stop in front of Athanasia, he swept into a deep bow.

"Was that enough of a showcase for you?"

 Athy clapped her hands, smiling.

"Could you teach me?"

This time, Lucas couldn't help but laugh at the excited glitter in Athanasia's eyes.

"Maybe next time we come here."

"That could be in a few months!"

"Then," Lucas said, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'll make sure that we come back here for our next date."


"I would never break any promise that I make to you," he whispered into her ear, his soft breath tickling her neck. Athy blushed softly and pulled away.

"What's next?"

"There's a restaurant downtown that I want to take you to. I'm sure you'll like it."

"Ok," Athy said. "I expect to be here again this week."

"Why are you so doubtful of my words?"

The two left the building, bickering as they did so. 


i am sorry if this was short, i couldn't think of anything else to make it longer >_<

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