҂ stargazing ҂

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in the original time period.


The night sky shone with stars blinking, and the moonlight shone through a glass window of a room where Athy sat amongst her blankets and pillows. It was a sleepless night, as her thoughts continually drifted to one black-haired boy. Shaking her head, she pulled her covers higher up. But everytime Athy closed her eyes, Lucas's voice could always be heard. Giving up on any sleep that night, she got up out of bed and lit a candle. Distantly, she heard the last of the maids clean up and retreat to their quarters. Pulling on a blanket over her shoulders, she crept downstairs and into the garden, which was thankfully dry. Sitting down Athy gazed up, letting calmness wash over her. 

"Couldn't sleep?"

Athy turned around and saw Lucas in mid-air, green cloak around him. Butterflies bloomed inside her stomach, and she returned to looking at the sky.

"Yeah. You?" Even those two words were hard to say to him.

"No. I looked into your bedroom and saw you weren't there." Athy could feel a soft blush creeping up her face.

"Excuse me? You checked my bedroom? Honestly, I can't believe you." It was better if she just kept up the normal facade. Lucas grimaced.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to see if you were safe."

"Well, as you can see, I am perfectly fine. You can go now." But instead of leaving, Lucas joined her on the ground, leaning back and pointing at the stars. Athanasia was fine with being next to Lucas during the day, but when it was just the two of them, she stiffened and turned over. 

"That's Sirius." Lucas pointed to a random star. "It's the brightest star in the sky, and it has been for a long time."

"I guess you would know, being immortal and stuff." Lucas chuckled. "Yeah."

He continued to point out several other constellations.

"Oh- and diagonal to it is Orion's Belt. Orion was a good friend of Artemis, goddess of the moon, but he was stung to death by a scorpion. That's why you'll never see Orion and scorpio in the sky together." Athy wasn't surprised by his knowledge. Shifting closer to him, she continued to listen.

"And those two are Castor and Pollux. Pollux was immortal, but Castor wasn't. So Pollux asked Zeus, god of all gods, to share his immortality with his brother. When they died, they were put to the sky together and are known as Gemini."

Athy couldn't quite make out what Lucas was pointing to, but still enjoyed his story.

"Opposite them is Andromeda, a beautiful princess that was sent to be devoured by a sea monster by her own parents. But Perseus, an equally handsome and brave man saved her. And they lived happily ever."

"I wish someone like Perseus would come save me."

"Do you need saving?"

"No. But still. It sounds exciting."

Leaning over, Lucas looked into her eyes.

"Fantasies and myths and stories, no matter how exciting they sound, are never the reality.

Besides; I think you've already found your Perseus."

Athy could feel herself burning up. 

"If you mean Ijekiel, then you are horribly mistaken."

"Of course I don't mean whitey's boy."

"Then I have no idea what you're talking about." Lucas huffed.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you?" 

Athanasia couldn't help but say yes. One moment she had been talking to Lucas, and the next,  his lips were on hers. They were soft and real, and she saw him close his eyes, savouring the moment. Pulling herself up so she was level with him, Athy intertwined their fingers together, warm ones with cold. They broke apart, breathing quietly. 

How long had Athy longed for this kiss? One year? Two years? 

"That isn't called, "spelling things out for someone""

"Are you serious? I just kissed you and that's what you say?"

"I use jokes to cope with shocking events."

"So it was shocking?"

"I never thought-" Athy broke off, unable to say anything else.

"You never thought I like you?"


"I love everything about you. The way you smile when you see something that you like, the way that your eyes are bluer when you're angry, how your hair flows down when you let it out and how you're kind to everyone, even if you don't know them."


Athy had dreamt of this moment, but now that it had arrived, she was lost for words. Lucas saw this, and picked her up. 

"You don't need to say anything. If it makes you feel better, I always knew from the way you looked at me."

"I was that obvious, huh?"

"Not really. Remember; I have years of experience of reading people," Lucas replied, tapping her on the nose."

Setting her down on her bed, he brushed his lips quickly against hers, before returning to his own room. 


lol, when your knowledge of greek mythology actually comes in handy. i had a lot of fun writing this :) 

lucathy oneshots wmmapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora