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I turned the lights off and my head hit the pillow when my phone rang.

Incoming Call from: ☠️C☠️

I sleepily answered the phone. "C?" I asked. "I'm sorry. Are you sleeping?" He sounds like he's been crying. I sat up. "No no. Hey, are you alright?" I asked. He sniffed. "I'm so fucking tired (Y/N)." he said, voice cracking. "I'm on my way." I said, getting out of bed. "I- I don't want you to see me like this." he said. "Then I'll sit outside your bedroom door and you can talk to me like that." I said. 
C sighed. "The door's unlocked." he said quietly.

I hung up the phone, grabbed Binx, and walked into C's apartment. I walked down his hallways and sat in front of the last door. "C? It's (Y/N)." I said softly. "Good. If it wasn't that would just be, alarming." he said. I laughed. "What's wrong?" I asked, noticing the classic 'Cover it with comedy' trick.
"My whole body went numb this morning. I couldn't even get out of bed. When I finally did, I went to the hospital for advice maybe even meds. They gave me the medication and the best advice they could give me to have someone take my mind off the pain. The thing is I don't have anyone so-" his voice started to crack. "So I'm constantly sitting here in emotional and physical pain just alone." he said.

I leaned back on the door. "C. You don't have to be alone anymore; I'm here." I said. "You're in college and working. You don't have time for my shit and I don't want to force you to." he cracked. "I'm always gonna have time for your 'shit'. Your shit is my shit now." I insisted. "No. I couldn't do that to you." he denied. "Please, C, let me do this for you. You mean a lot to me. Not as Corpse but as you just being you." I said. "I'm too paranoid to even tell you my name." C said sadly. I shrugged. "I like C. It's a cool name. So that's what I'll call you until you want to tell me your real name. No big deal." I smiled.

C opened the door and I fell back. I lay on the floor looking up at him and I smiled. "Did you eat tonight?" he asked. "Nope. Didn't have time and I was just tired so I went to bed." I said. "Oh, so you were asleep." he smiled. I got up and walked into his kitchen. "Make me something to eat." I ordered. C laughed and followed me. "Yes ma'am." 

Stomach's full, C and I sat on his couch watching Tokyo Ghoul. I started to drift and I fell asleep on C's lap. He looked down at me sleeping, red in the face. "(Y/N)?" he asked. I didn't wake up.

C looked around and reached for the blanket on the chair next to us. He wrapped me up and carried me bridal style to his bed. He laid my head softly on his pillow and moved my (H/C) hair out of my eyes. "Thank you." he whispered softly, then went to sleep on the couch.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to the smell of eggs, bacon, and potatoes, and stretched. "I- I live alone." I thought to myself. I looked around the room and realized it wasn't my own. "Shit." I said, realizing that I was in C's room.

Since I didn't have a change of clothes, I borrowed his t-shirt and kept my short shorts on. I walked into the kitchen and peeked at him around the corner. "I'm sorry for falling asleep here." I apologized. C smiled and put down a spatula. "It's alright. I liked the company." he said. I smiled. and crossed my arms. "C? Liked, the company?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed. "Just when it's you." he smiled. 

I sat on a stool and looked at two plates of food. "No way. Where's the take-out bags?" I asked looking around. C laughed. "I made it myself. I figured you would want something good to start your day with so I tried cooking breakfast." he said. I smiled. "Thank's C, that's really thoughtful." I said.

I took a bite and instantly had to hold my gag in. "Is it good?" he asked, hopefully. I smiled and nodded. "So good!" I cheered. It wasn't. It was pretty bad, but I wasn't going to let him get discouraged with his cooking. I ate it all. The bacon and potatoes weren't bad after a few more bites and I was able to wash down the eggs with orange juice.

I leaned my head on the counter. "I have no work or school today." I said. Head still down, I looked up at C. "You wanna hang out?" I asked. "I really do, but I have another doctor's appointment in like, three hours." he said sadly. "Cool. I'll be ready to go by then." I said getting up. "Ready to go?" he questioned. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm going with you so you don't have to be alone." I said. "You don't ha-" "I know. I want to. For you." I said, grabbing his hand. C blushed hard. "That would actually be pretty nice. No one comes with me to these things." he admitted. I smiled. "Then this will be a regular thing, and when you're in pain, you can just call me and I'll come over and we'll hang out." I smiled. He nodded then looked down. "Seriously, thank you." he said, looking into my (E/C) eyes.

My face heated up and my heart skipped a beat. "Shit." I thought to myself, knowing exactly what this feeling is. I nodded. "Ok then. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Got to go, get ready, for the day." I said backing up.
I stupidly backed into the corner of a counter and groaned. "Are you alright?" C stressed. I nodded. "I'm great, fantastic even." I said, to keep him from coming near me. 

I rushed out the door and to my apartment and C watched, smiling and shaking his head.

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