𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔶𝔰

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I shut my laptop and looked down. "First winter exam over with, five more to go." I told myself. I looked around my living room at the piles of notes and homework on the floor. I then looked around at the empty apartment. For the first time in a while, tears filled my eyes.

I only really started to cry when Binx jumped into my lap. "I feel so stressed out and alone Binx." I cried. "No family or close friends, piles of school work, exams. I'm all alone." I said. I accidentally wailed at the thought. 

"Meow" Binx put her paw on my cheek and I cried harder. I heard my phone chime and dried my eyes and cheeks. It chimed again, then a second, then it started ringing. I sighed and picked it up. 

Incoming Call From: ☠️C☠️

"Shit." I cursed. I wiped my tears and answered the phone. "Hello?" I sniffed. "Hey. Are you alright? I heard crying." he said. I froze. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I had the tv too, loud." I lied. C laughed. "Oh really? What are you watching?" he asked. "Um. Keeping Up With The Kardashians?" I said unsurely. "Are you questioning yourself?" C asked. I looked down. "N-no. Kourtney's crying. Scott Disick that no good piece of shit." I said, shaking my head. "Oh for real? Well, I'm at the door. Let's go get snacks and binge it together." he said. "Shit." I repeated out loud. "What did you say?" C asked. "Nothing nothing. Let me just get dressed." I said. "O-" I hung up the phone before he could finish.

I rushed to get a t-shirt and some joggers on. I did enough of my makeup to hide the fact that I was crying, grabbed my mask, and sighed. I walked to the door, cleared my throat, and opened it.

"Hey." I smiled. C frowned. "I knew you were crying." he said. "Wha- how could you even tell?" I asked. "Your eyes are puffy and your voice is shaky." he said. I gently hit his arm. "Guys aren't supposed to pay attention to detail." I joked. C softly smiled. "Well, I've had my fair share of, tears. I know how it feels and how much it sucks to be alone while shedding them. I'm here if you let me." he said. I looked up into his eyes and watched what was shown of his cheeks go red. "I would like that." I said. 

C smiled. "Great. Let's go to the store and get snacks." he said. "Oh I wasn't really watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians." I said. "I know, but I'm bored and they're funny." he said. I laughed. "Ok then."

"Do you want to drive or can I?" I asked. "Actually I thought we can walk. It's nice and rainy and walking can clear your head." he suggested. I smiled and nodded.
We stopped at C's car so we can grab an umbrella. 

*Play Forever & Always by Zeph*

We were walking in silence for the first five minutes, then C cleared his throat. "I'm not sure what it is you're going through and I can't promise you it's going to get better, but I can promise that I'll be here to help you through it." he said. I stopped and looked down, tears rolling down my cheeks. It's been years since I've had someone by my side like that.

"It's just that, school is so stressful. I'm doing well, but it takes a lot to do that and to keep doing it. On top of that, I have no family I'm close to, no friends, so there's no escape. My only focus is on school so it's not like I have anything to relieve that stress. I'm tired and alone." I said. 

I looked up when I felt rain hitting my head hard. C put down the umbrella. When I turned to look at him, his arms were already wrapped around me. "Neither of us has to be alone again." he said softly. I froze for a minute, then wrapped my arms around his neck. 
We held each other tight as the rain poured down on us. My heart was beating fast, my mind was throwing away all the negatives, and my body was warm despite the chillness of the weather. 

By the time C let me go, the only thing I could think about was the warmth of his hug. I looked up into his eyes. Dark brown meant (E/C). "Thank you, C." I smiled. "Thank you, (Y/N). I haven't been this happy and comfortable around another person in a long time. It's going to suck when you leave." he said. I frowned. "Who said I'm leaving?" I asked. "Well, you're in college. When you're done you're going to start a life of your own. You're going to have a family and a job and no time for someone like me. It's ok though. As long as you're happy and safe, I'm glad." he said. 

Once again I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. This time, he froze. "No matter where life takes me, I'm always going to have time for you. I promise that I won't let go of you C." I said. "You can't promise that. People come and go. It happens all the time." he said. I kissed his cheek. "I'm the one that stays." I whispered. C hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist. "Fuck. Please be the one that stays." he said quietly.

We got our snacks and retreated back to my apartment. C got Bingus from next door and brought him over. While Bingus and Binx played, C and I binged Keeping Up With The Kardashians all day. 

When the sun fell and the moon rose, we were full of snacks, red wine, soda, and juice. I was asleep, laying on C's lap. C looked down and blushed. "What do I do? Do I put my arm around her? I don't want to make her uncomfortable though. She looks so peaceful." he thought to himself. He looked over to Binx and Bingus asleep on the couch across from us, heads resting on each other. C smiled then looked back down at me. He gently reached for the blanket on the other side of the couch and covered me up. He then moved my (H/C) hair out of my face and gently stroked my shoulder as I slept.

Soon, we were both laying on the couch. I was asleep in his chest and his chin rested on my head. One arm was around my head and the other was around my waist, holding me close and making sure I don't fall off the couch while we slept.

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