𝔐𝔢 ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔜𝔬𝔲

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I woke up in the hospital waiting room to C walking in. "Hey. How'd it go?" I asked. "They wrote me a new prescription that should be ready for pick up Wednesday, updated them about my vocals, and then they gave me the same advice about my fibromyalgia." he said. I sighed. "So basically they didn't do shit? I mean seriously what do you may them for? We pay thousands of dollars for healthcare when we would be better off taking ibuprofen and a nap." I snapped getting up.
I put my jacket on and looked at C staring at me. "What?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. You just seem to really care about this." he said. "Well duh. Yeah. You're in pain and the best these morons can do is give you drugs, then drugs for the side effects of those drugs. That's how they take your money. I can't wait to get into the health field so maybe I can change that." I said. I looked at him and took his hand. "And so that maybe I can help you professionally." I said. C blushed.

We got to a stoplight and I sighed. "I've decided I'm going to educate myself on your fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, and GERD, so I can be of more use to you." I said. C shook his head from the passenger side. "No. You don't have to add onto your workload for me." he said. I smiled and started driving again. "I know. I want to. I care a lot about you C. I won't be ok if you're not." I said.

C's face went hot. "I care about you a lot, too (Y/N)." he said hesitantly." he admitted. "You know, It's hard caring for someone. I cared for my family and now they're gone, same with friends. So I really didn't think I'd care for anyone again." I said. I softly smiled as we approached another red light. "You're making it really easy to. I was scared. It seems like the second I start caring about a person they give me a reason not to, but I really don't see why that would ever happen with you C." The light turned green and I started to drive again. 

"I feel safe with you. Happy." I said softly, not noticing the light to the left of our lane flickered green. 

As I was in the middle of the intersection a car drove into the driver's side. There was a loud crash, then everything just went dark.

*C's POV*

I woke up laying down on the glass that used to make up the passenger seat window. When My brain cleared I realized the car was sidewise. My mind instantly thought of (Y/N). "Shit the car hit her side!" I realized. I coughed and looked up at (Y/N) in her seat, being choked by her seat belt.

"Shit." was all could say as I struggled up and unclicked her seat belt. She fell onto me and I fell back onto the glass. I held her in my arms and checked her side. I bulled out a large piece of glass from her side. I knew that was dumb when she gasped back to consciousness, her eyes rolled back, and she passed out again. "Hey. Hey don't die on me ok? You're ok. You're gonna be ok." I enured her while holding her wound. I looked at my hand and she was losing a lot of blood fast. 

I looked at her bruised neck from the seat belt, the gash in her temple, the blood running from her nose and mouth, and the excessive bleeding from her left leg. Looking at all this all I can think is. "She's going to die." 

"Help! Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It hurt like hell, like the acid on my vocal heated up. I didn't care though, I need her to be ok. 

I looked at the windshield and started to kick. It took quite a few, but I was able to break it.

As gently as I could, I pushed (Y/N) out through the hole, and the man that hit us came by. "I'm so sorry. The light turned green and I wasn't paying attention so I didn't see you on the road-" he started. "Please." I begged, voice cracking from physical and emotional pain. "Help her." I said pointing to (Y/N).

The man nodded and pulled out his phone, calling 911.

*An Hour Later*

 I got myself out with minor physical injuries thankfully before the car was engulfed in flames, but I really wish it was me on life support instead of her.

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