Chapter Twenty-Four

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Izuku didn't even care as he peeled the skin around his fingers, knee bouncing under the table as he kept his gaze firm on the plate in front of him. It had been two days since his answer. Two days since Izuku had betrayed his Unkie, his friends, his dream, and joined the Villains. 

He had good reason for it! He had thought it through, brain working overdrive in the five seconds he took to answer. 

If he decided to say no, it would be useless. He risk putting his family and friends in danger. He had no doubt the Villain's weren't against slicing and dicing those he cared about in order to reach him. He could possibly lose everyone, his inevitable answer drawing from the blood of Shouta, Hizashi, Hitoshi, Denki, Katsuki, even Cheo. 

Or he'd be tortured into saying yes and eventually die or say yes anyway. By that point he would have actually given up on Heroes, his mind convincing him that because they took so long, they had forgotten him. 

If he said yes, like he did, then he could get information. First sight experience of their team and how they operate. And if he was really lucky (but it was unlikey) their future plans. 

At the minute, however, his mind was breaking. His Father, someone in whom his DNA was fifty percent of, was All For One. A Mass Villain who had killed thousand. His Mama had married and had kids with a monster.

And he was the spawn of that. He hissed as another layer came off, blood welling out, and grabbed the napkin and wrapped it around his finger. He jumped as a hand grasped his arm. 

"Izu-Chan! Please let me try some! You're already bleeding!" 

He gripped the napkin tighter around the self-inflicted bleed, shaking his head slightly. Kurogiri sighed from he was, putting the glass back on the rack before grabbing another to wipe with the clothe. "Now, Now, Toga, leave Izuku alone. The boy is foreign to such settings."

Shigiraki growled. "Besides ..." He stood, acting quickly and placing his fingers - par one - against her forehead and lowering his own to lean just above her head. "He's my toy." Shivering, Izuku squirmed away a little, Shigiraki's gaze snapping to him.

"Get used to it Rogue, this is your world now." 

Soon enough, people left the booths (Izuku hadn't been hungry) and headed to the bar. Izuku was dragged by default, trying to listen. he needed something, a little detail to where he might be.

"Pizza delivery!"

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed as the ring of Villains faced the door, suspicion rising, Twice snorted. "Who ever ordered Pizza is my favourite! You bastards are dumb assess, no one likes Pizza.

A person Izuku didn't recognise the person who stepped forward, a scowl on their face as they wrenched the door open with a might yell of 'Fuck off!'.

It appropriately drew off at 'fuck', coming eye to eye with a Hero. They were slammed forward, the room beginning to shake.

Izuku yelped as he was knocked off his feet by another body being thrown into his (was he being mistook or was it accidental?) head hitting the floor painfully. He wiggled free, rolling under a table as a knife landed where he had been, a shriek from a Villain accompanying it.

Bursting out, he tackled the nameless Villain, a knife bedding in his bicep (he won't lie, he screamed) and a round of punches conking the Villain out. There was a shout of his name, and he threw his head up, seeing Shigiraki hanging out of Kurogiri's portal, hand outstretched.

Izuku bolted towards the Heroes, knocking to the floor as something caught his ankle, yelping as the room seemingly imploded. He threw his arms over his head, curling to protect himself, hissing when wood and hardboard covered his body, soot tainting his strands.

It was quieter, and Izuku looked around, realising the bar was in fact placed between other buildings, a row of civilians watching and Heroes dragging Villains whilst other's fought on.

Pushing the debris off him, Izuku choked on the dust, legs weak as he pushed to standing. His body jerked in recognition as he heard an explosion behind him, looking up in time to see a huddle of bodies going over him. 

Katsuki was the base, hands stretched behind him, explosions pushing them forward. Kirishima sat on his hes back, skin hardened and protecting his arm as it lingered by the explosions, keeping a tight grip of Denki who had an arm extended. 



Izuku met eyes with Katsuki, a heavy feeling spreading through his body. He let out a whimper as he found himself unable to move his feet, arms too heavy to lift from where they were to his side. 

He watched his childhood friends face crumple as he watched Izuku not move. Izuku tried, tears falling down his face as he tried desperately to move, not even stopping as Shigiraki hung an arm over his shoulder. "Say goodbye to your little Hero friends." 

Izuku's gaze moved to the side, where he saw Shouta, holding back Katsuki with the line of civilians. He didn't notice the mist surrounding his feet. The tears got faster as he opened his mouth, his voice not working, and guilt crushing him as he began to fall to the image of his Unkie's teary face.


How are you guys finding this book? 

It's a little (code for; a hella lot) more difficult to write than Marshmallow was, and I hope I'm not boring anyway.

Let me know your opinions, and any questions!!

Until next time my Little Disappointments!!

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