Chapter Five

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"You dumb ass! You think you can fucking be a Hero if you slack off!?"

Izuku whipped his head around, eyes blowing wide as he saw Katsuki take a dangerous step forward. Turns out the blonde was just as annoyed at Izuku as Shouta was fir getting distracted.

It wasn't even like he did it on purpose!

"You made me a promise you shit rag!" He shot forward, explosions cutting short as the same white material wrapped his body, stopping him an inch from Izuku.

Shouta didn't look to happy.

There was a questioned yell from the group at the weapon, and Shouta grit his teeth. He hated teenagers.

"It's my special 'capturing weapon', a steel allow wire woven with carbon nano fibres!" Anyone with a brain cell wouldn't ask again - even those without one (cough - Denki - cough) took the hint.

"Jeez, don't make me use my Quirk so much .... I've got dry eye dammit!"

Katsuki shot a harsh glare to Izuku, who straightened his back. "Buck up your ideas dip shit! I don't care if you got distracted, I'll knock you out your own head if I want to!"

Izuku nodded, and Shouta tugged the scarf.

"We're wasting time."

Izuku and Katsuki returned to the group, a heat steaming off the latter, and Denki smothered a laugh. The class were watching them, and Izuku felt the gaze prickle his skin. They knew now, that he was Quirkless, and he saw some of the glances change. A few people moved closer, a few away, whilst others didn't move.

He wasn't surprised. This was normal. 

Izuku risked a glance, and found some stares of awe - just like Denki's had been oh so long ago. But the ones he favoured the most were the ones of respect, the ones who looked at him like he was no different. He noticed those came from the few people who had navigated around Denki - two guys (one with red overly gelled hair and another with black limp hair) and a girl with pink skin. 

His mood was slightly ruined though, by a look towards the brown haired girl and stern boy. They both looked disappointed in themselves, and he understood why immediately. He'd helped the girl from under a pile during the entrance exams and beat the boy in one of the earlier trials. They'd been helped and beaten by a Quirkless kid.

He didn't have time to dwell however, only to worry as Shouta announced having the results. He was sure he was low on the list, possibly even last, and his hard work was going down the drain. 

"The total is simply the aggregate sum of each of your scores. If I recited all your scores it'd take a million years, so I'll disclose them all at once."

A hundred thoughts plagued Izuku's head, and he clenched his jaw, lowering his head slightly. He was scared - more scared than he'd been in a long time. If he failed, he'd be a disappointment. No doubt Shouta would change his mind, and he'd move back to Ma'am and Sir -

"Oh yeah, that whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie."

And there it was. The kick. The catch. 

His eyes blurt wide, but he wasn't sure why he was surprised. His Unkie was notorious for his 'ruses'. He also knew the man would go ahead with it if he wanted, he had expelled a whole year previously. 

That same creepy, horrifying, grin spread over the Hero's face. "It was a logical ruse, to pull out your best performances. And ... right, yep, with that, it's over. Your curriculum sheets are back in the classroom so give them a once-over."

His eyes moved to the score list as Shouta left, shoulder's deflating. He wasn't quite last, but second-to-last wasn't much better. Taking a deep breathe, he closed his eyes and tightened his fists.

Rock bottom wasn't ideal, but it wasn't the end of the world.

He'd been in the final four all his life, this was no different. He'd get better - he would do better. He just had to train more. Catching Katsuki's and Denki's wrist as they followed the class, he pushed a determined look onto his face.

"Train with me."


Shouta grit his teeth as he passed the famous All Might.

He'd seen his head poke up across the field when Izuku had done his tests, and didn't like the look. 

"Aizawa! You liar!"

"A 'logical ruse'?! April Fools day was a month ago!"

And Shouta was ready for the conversation to end.

"You expelled an entire new class of first-graders last year! You kick kids out without a moments hesitation if you judge them as having 'zero chance'! This is a total one-eighty from what you used to say! Could it be because ..."

And here it was - the reason All Might was here. Shouta wasn't a stupid man, he knew All Might had noticed the similarity in his own morale's to Izuku's.

"You felt it too?! Midoriya's raw potential?!"

He was right, averagely he would have expelled a student with the same performance as Izuku - and he didn't not expel him because it was his nephew - but because the boy did in fact have the potential. 

He'd seen it from the first time he'd lay eyes on his Lettuce. 

He grit his teeth.

"His chances are just above the 'zero' mark."

As he walked away, he watched briefly as Izuku ducked below a punch from Katsuki, propelling to the side as the hand exploded. He flipped over Denki, pushing a hand to his lower back and forcing the two blondes to collide.

He'd seen the technique from other Hero's and silently cursed. The kid was a sponge, taking in information and analysing them, copying them almost perfectly.

The kid had potential, he just needed to get out his own head.


If you guys haven't noticed, I'm copying most of this from the Manga, manipulating it to fit my story, That's why it's taking so long, sorry! 

It'll start heading in my direction soon, I promise!

Until next chapters my Little Disappointments!!

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