Chapter Six

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"Lettuce." Izuku yelped, spinning to face Shouta as he toed off his shoes. The man was leaning against the kitchen door frame, eyebrow raised.

Onyx eyes landed on the bruise on Izuku's cheek.

"N-No! It's n-nothing like that! I w-was sparring Kisan and Kacchan after class! I was t-too slow!"

Sighing, the man ran a hand through his hair. "Zashi and Hitoshi are out. It's just us for dinner, I want to talk to you." He sighed again when he saw the panicked look on Izuku's face.

"Not about the results. If you want help at school, you ask at school. No bias."

Nodding, Izuku ran to drop his bag, changing into a pair of joggers - and the now very worn hoodie - before picking up up Paws and moving into the kitchen. Shouta was stood by the pot, stirring whatever they had. 

He barely glanced up as Izuku dropped into the seat, scratching Paw's ears. "Go to Recovery Girl in the morning." Rolling his eyes, Izuku felt the cat purring. "It's just a bruise."

"I meant for whatever injury you have on your ankle." He flinched slightly, frowning and rolling it experimentally. It gave a pang in protest, but it was manageable. He hadn't limped, so how had Shouta knew? Unless he did and hadn't realised, maybe -

"Denki messaged me. There's ice in the bottom draw." Feeling somewhat betrayed, he deposited the cat on the table and grabbed the ice from the freezer, wrapping a tea towel around it and resting it on his ankle as he sat back down.

He clenched his fists, stopping the urge to pick at his nails, and laughed lightly as Paws jumped onto his shoulders. His eyes focused in on the table, dropping into his thoughts, and not realising he had zoned out until a hand lowered on his head.


He looked up, as Shouta dropped a bowl of curry in front of him, moving paws into the living room. 

"S-Sorry! I was thi-thinking." Shouta smiled slightly, sitting opposite him and yawning. "I know. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Izuku took a bite quickly, chewing slowly so he wouldn't have to speak. He knew he'd just stutter all over the place.

"It's good you're thinking - using your head in battle is a key attribute that a lot of Heroes don't have - but you need to be able to simmer them down so you are still focused. I saw you sparring briefly, what was different? You were still thinking, but analyse your thought process, how you were you able to stop being distracted?"

Izuku swallowed thickly, furrowing his eyebrows a little. "I wasn't ... I w-wasn't in the lime l-light. I d-didn't know I was b-being watched so I w-wasn't - I d-don't know."

Shouta nodded, and Izuku took another bite. He liked conversations like these, just not this one. Pointing out his faults was difficult, but seemed to be a common thing recently. 

"That'll be something you've got to get used to, as harsh as it sounds. You're good at analysing, and that's probably the reason. Even if you don't realise, you're analysing everything around you - you're doing it now. Trying to judge where the conversation will go and time you chewing so there's not an awkward wait when I stop.When you're being watched, you're analysing the situation more - and it general runs with how you will perform and how you will do."

Izuku felt his face brighten, blood rushing to his cheeks.

"You need to focus your analysis on what you are doing and what you're opponent is doing."

He cut off, and Izuku stifled a laugh as the man grumbled. "That is, if you need the help ask at-"

"At school, y-yes, I know U-Unkie. No playing favourites."


 Class 1A bustled outside, most fawning over their New Hero Suits as All Might checked something over the clip board. 

It was their first official Heroics class, and to say they were excited would be an understatement. Kirishima, a newly made friend of Katsuki's, raised an eyebrow.

"Where's Kaminari and Bakugo?" 

"And Midoriya!" 

As if hearing his name, the boy walked into view, green eyes flashing. The green curls had somewhat been controlled, pushed mostly towards the side, the other gelled down. 

His suit followed the generic theme of black and green - a black, skin tight, top with sleeves hooping around his fingers. There was a single green stripe running down the outside of his arm, connecting to an diamond on his elbow before stopping on in a bracelet shape on his wrist. He wore a green one-piece over it, sleeveless and lighter green stripes along the seems, a slightly raised neck that brushed his cheek. 

There were thick green clothes on his hands, the palm and inner fingers black, slightly padded. On his hips was a black utility belt, pouches on the front and larger one on the front. His boots were also black, running to just above his knees and designed to stabilise his legs and reduce damage from landing. He was generally slim build - but do not mistake it for no muscles - but the suit enhanced his arms and legs. 

Walking behind, slightly to a side each, was Denki and Katsuki, their suits making them look even more frightening. The class shuffled back slightly. 

"Sorry w-we're late! I was speaking to Mei about last minute de-designs on my suit!" If Iida was going to reprehend them, he didn't get a chance as All Might cleared his throat. 

"Right! We'll be doing a simple tournament!"


The art isn't mine! Neither is it's design but I think it looks so good! So credit to who drew it!!

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