Chapter Fifteen

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Running on ice wasn't as easy as Izuku wished, even with his shoes. In fact, he couldn't for long periods of time. He had to firmly plant each foot down to do so to ensure he was gripped and not about to fall, but that slowed down his movement. 

Sliding continuously hadn't worked either. He lost momentum the further he got and even though his balance was good, no one could respectfully slide on ice. 

Plus, he had noticed something about Todoroki's ice - it was thicker and more dense than ice usually would. It didn't chip when something hit it, although it broke beneath the grips, and it didn't melt at the natural air, like it should have. Although there was a thin layer on the ground, it didn't shatter. Izuku briefly wondered whether it's attributes had anything to do with Todoroki's mentally - because he was determined was the ice stronger?

He didn't have time to ponder over that, only to alternate between running a few steps and sliding as far as he could.

He knew he was going at a high speed, within the front section of the group, and if he was suddenly slip and fall no doubt he'd break something. So his only option was not to fall - and wasn't that a lot of pressure. 

When he saw the ice trail coming to an end, he grabbed one of the chop sticks, slamming it into the ice and using it to slow him down. It worked to a degree, cutting a line in the ice, but as it stopped he rolled, jumping to his feet as a shadow cast over them. 

He heard his Uncles voice, but the words were too muffled to make out. He assumed the word 'robots' were apart of it, by the simple fact he was being stared down by them.

Big metal machines - what was Nezu's obsession?

Todoroki wasted no time, throwing his arm up and encasing one in ice - spikes coming off the cage. He grabbed the capture weapon, once again using the boys Quirk to his own advantage as he gripped one end, flinging it up and watching as it unravelled, wrapping one spike. 

He swung forwards, using his gymnastics skills to flip over a robots arm, landing on it's back and snapping his wrist and bringing the scarf back in time to let it settle on his shoulders as he pulled out the chop stick, jamming it into the slight gap in the door to the control panel. He grinned, wrenching it open - it didn't really take much surprisingly - and looking at the mass of wires. 

They were a decoy, everyone had seen the new technology brought out by UA that they used. It had been on the news, gloating about the use of one wire, and it wasn't Izuku's fault if no one else memorised that. 

It was a blue wire, a cobalt to be exact, and Izuku found it amongst all the other blue wires immediately, yanking it out the socket and grinding his teeth as the thrashing machine stumbled and thrummed. He leapt out the way as it fell into another robot, knocking the rest down. He landed on the floor harshly, ankles biting as he headed the direction of most of class 1A. 

He swiped up a shard of green metal, about half the size of his body, and flicked the capture weapon to tighten it to his back. He lent forward slightly to stop it hitting his legs as he ran, stuffing the chop stick back. 

Skidding to a stop, he grimaced as his eyes set on the next obstacle. It was essentially a large crater with little islands, ropes connecting them. He saw Tsuyu using her Quirk to crawl across it and got an idea. 

He grabbed the chop stick, snapping it to create a sharp edge and cut off two ends from his scarf, wrapping them around his hands to stop rope burn, and cut past people to a rope. He was quick to assess them, finding the shortest and safest route, and began to climb. He felt the blood rush to his head, eyes wide as he pushed further and further. 

He didn't take off the scarf wrapping his hands as he headed to the next part, panting slightly. He slid to a stop, looking at the next part carefully. It was a large field, small dents in the ground that were only noticeable if you looked for something wrong.

He watched as people ran onto it, holding his breathe. They weren't watching - and for that they were going to give him the answers. As someone stepped on a dent, they pushed to the air at a large boom, pink flying up. He winced. 

Of course, a mine field.

He watched as Katsuki jumped into the air, hands moving behind him and using explosions to push him forwards. Izuku also watched him aim an explosion to Todoroki and scowled. Of course. They dabbled in fighting, and soon enough the whole attention was on them.

So Izuku made his move, eyes widening as his final plan circulated. He dug a whole, urging a few mines into it. He grinned, looking up, knowing full when his Unkie's eyes were watching his every move.

"I'm go-going to steal your i-idea Kacchan!" 

And so Izuku pulled the robot shard in front of him, tugging his scarf away and taking a deep breathe. Within a moment, he pushed his legs to move, jumping onto the mines and praying. 

With a spray of pink, Izuku was flying. 

He slid over the two fighting boys, looking down to see them making chase. He grinned wider. 

His head aimed to the floor, loosing grip on the shard, as Katsuki and Todoroki turned up below him. Shouting an apology, he flipped, pressing his feet to the boys shoulders and slamming the shard onto the ground in front of them, using another purple blast to shoot him forward.

The greenette wished he could have said he landed gracefully, but a face full of dirt would prove otherwise. He scrambled to standing, pushing every piece of adrenaline he has to run.

And even though the odds were against him - for the first time ever - Izuku was first

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