Chapter Three

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Izuku felt his gaze slip to the floor, half-listening as he delved into thought.

He and Hitoshi had purposely been left out the loop of Shouta's teaching methods growing up, but the man had trained them. He was a good Hero, but no one was good enough to change their whole Teaching techniques that were part of nature. 

"Softball pitch, standing long jump, fifty-metre dash, endurance running, grip strength test, sustained side-ways jumps, upper body exercises, seated toe-touch. These are all activities you know from Middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your Quirks."

These tests were biased in many ways towards specific Quirks. Each one suited to one. Anyone with a mental or Mutant Quirk - or none in the greenette's case - would struggle deeply with progressing any further than Middle School. Even some emitter Quirks would struggle.

Katsuki would do fine - his Quirk helped him with these tests - but Denki wouldn't. It was a difficult situation.

And Shouta knew that. Izuku had no doubt the man had other motives - such as this not actually being a fitness evaluation. The Hero wanted to see how people would get around the obstacle. To see their creativity within using their Quirk as requested. This was to see how people were thinking, how they'll use their Quirks - or possibly picking their fights.

Katsuki's Quirk would help him with the long jump or dash, but not the toe-touch.

"The Country still hasn't gotten around to standardising those sorts of records pr keeping track of average performance levels. Well, that's the negligence on the part of MEXT."

Shouta's eyes landed on Katsuki - too close to picking on Izuku for the boys comfort - and narrowed on the slouching boy. Shouta knew he was a power house, and he was using him as inspiration to the class. If they saw someone doing well, it'd push them to do their best.

"Bakugo. How far could you pitch a softball in Middle School?" The crimson eyed boy held a scowl, barely needing to think. Even Izuku - and Shouta by default - knew the answer. 

"Sixty-Seven metres."

Shouta pointed to the circle and Katsuki followed orders, still slouching as he was tossed the ball - and caught it with one hand like the bad ass he was.

"Try using your Quirk this time around. As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don't hold back."

A shadowed look fell over Katsuki's face as he stretched his arm, taking a small step forward. Izuku's hands itched for his notebook - he'd seen Katsuki's Quirk in action plenty but he had a clear view of how Katsuki thought here. There was a numerous of possibilities he could go for - the height of the throw, the timing of when his Quirk activated, the intensity of his Quirk.

"You got it."

Izuku saw a smirk replace the scowl on the blondes face as he moved, releasing the ball with a large explosion.

"DIE!" It kicked up grass and dirt, smoke and wind pushing back and momentarily blocking their view. Izuku was physically holding back in muttering.  

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of."

When Shouta held out the device, it read seven-zero-five point two metres. 

"This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'hero foundation'."

Yells ran out around the group, generalising in the forms of 'this is fun' or 'this is going to be awesome' and Izuku could already feel the anger rolling off his Unkie. The class had messed up, big time. It didn't give Izuku time to worry over himself, or the fact this wasn't going to go well. 

He was flexible, and agile, and possibly stronger than he looks - but not the extent to level with Quirks. He'd made it this far, but that was all he had been worrying over - he hadn't imagined about what came next. 

"It looks fun ... you say?"

Izuku felt his anxiety bristle as his Unkie's hand curled into a claw in front of his Unkie's face, the man looking down and fave devoid of light. 

"So you were planning to spend your three years here ... having a good ol' time> What happened to becoming Heroes?"

And this is where it began - the truth behind the rumours. The mix of the teacher, Underground Hero, guardian and futures nurturer. A single, glaring, eye looked up beneath his ragged hair, making the classes breathe freeze. 

Izuku had never been more scared, or in admiration, towards his Guardian.

"All right then, in that case, New rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged 'hopeless'."

Izuku held his breathe.

"And instantly expelled."

His hand pushed his hair out his face, a scary and horrifying - even threatening - grin on his face as his voice got louder. 

"Our freedom means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to the Department of Heroics!"

Yeah ... Izuku was so screwed.

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