Chapter Nineteen

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Izuku's head whipped up, eyes widening as he gestured to the chop stick still sticking out his leg. He was on his way to Recovery Girl with Hitoshi - who'd shown off the awkward way his ankle was once the adrenaline had worn off - when his Unkie Sho had ambushed them.

"W-What?! Come o-on, it isn't e-even in that far!" He yelped as Hitoshi poked his thigh, slightly jostling the sharp object. He didn't need to see the raised eyebrow. "P-Please Unkie! J-Just pretend I'm j-just your stu-student!"

"Then I'd expel you for reckless behaviour."

Izuku threw his arms up. "I w-was doing what I-I cou-could against an o-opponent, it wasn't re-reckless."

"It was reckless. If you were fighting a Villain, and had nicked your artery, you would have bled out before the fight was over. You'd have died. Think yourself lucky you're only getting grounded. If you had have pulled it out after, you'd be have wished you'd had hit an artery."

Frowning, Izuku rubbed his face, and dipped his head. "S-Sorry."

He heard a small sigh, and a ruffled as a shoulder gently nudged his own. "Come on, Recovery Girl's waiting." Nodding, he limped in - yes, the adrenaline had worn off and Izuku was sure he felt it scraping his bone with each step - and smiled sheepishly at the women stood in the centre of the room, arms crossed. 

"Sit down, both of you." 

Hitoshi and Izuku were quick at it, having seen her wrath first hand at their Guardian - who shivered at the tone of her voice - and Izuku looked to the man for support. He nodded once, and Izuku relaxed slightly.

She dealt with Hitoshi first, wrapping the ankle so it would set in the correct way before kicking his hand. The bags beneath his eyes darkened - Izuku was sure his own were horrendous. 

When she moved to him, after seeing him the second time this day, her from twitched into a snarl. "What were you thinking?! I swear your bloodline is obsessed with putting themselves in preventable danger to prove a point!" Izuku furrowed his eyebrows as the capture scarf was unwrapped. 

She noticed his confusion, and suddenly Shouta wanted to abandon ship.

"Your Uncle broke his arm in two places by punching a wall of metal to create an opening for his Weapon during his own Festival in his first year. The next year he gave himself concussion head butting Yamada-dear." 

Izuku would have laughed if she hadn't of gently poked the stick, hands gripping the bed as he gasped. She frowned. "I'm surprised, this is pretty deep considering the circumstance you got it. It'll need pulling out and stitches before I heal it."


Izuku yawned, rubbing his eyes as he practically inhaled the gummie's. Half n hour had past since the visit to Recovery girl, and he'd returned to the class, joining his friends promptly.

Rumours had already spread, but at this current moment, Izuku was struggling to care. In fact, he was just resting his head for a nap (his friends moving forward to watch the next match) when he heard the sneers.

"He can't be that good, he leeched off Todoroki for the most part."

"I thought Quirkless people died out."

"He must have cheated. There's no way."

"I heard he bribed his way in, Midoriya told me he's related to one of the Teachers."

"Or sucked his way in, if ya' get what I mean."

"Midoriya told me they had the option to give him a Quirk transfusion surgery but his foster-dad or something said no, they must have wanted him for money or something."

"If he was my son I'd have killed myself."

And there it was, the sentence that ripped him out his sleep. With burning eyes, he stumbled from his seat and headed from the stands, ignoring the slight shouts from his names.

Because Izuku couldn't breathe.

Those kids didn't know - they didn't know - that his Mother had turned off when he was a child. Not long after he was diagnosed. She turned off because she wanted to.

They didn't know. But they sympathiser. 

He didn't even realised he was peeling at his fingers as he found an empty hallway, sliding down and trying his hardest to breathe. Who knew a simple action that you could do since birth was so difficult?

In, out, in, in, in, out, out, in, out, out, in, in, in, in, out, in.

Why couldn't Izuku get the pattern right?

He pressed his palms into his eyes, because for the first time in a long while, he saw dead, green, eyes. 

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