Chapter Two

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"How are you nearly late."

Izuku slumped in his assigned seat, sending a glare to Hitoshi to sat on the desk behind him, head resting in his arms. His voice - so full of emotion -  was muffled, and his head barely moved to recognise Izuku sitting down. 

He hadn't made much sound either, and it should have been drowned out by the buzzing class. If Izuku didn't know better, he would have suspected Hitoshi to be using a Quirk to detect his movement, but he knew the boy was simply better at using his ears as the main sense at observing. He himself was better at his sight and gut feeling - his Unkie blamed it on his Analytical skills.

"I r-ran into Snipe, h-he agreed to an-answer some questions." 

Sighing, the boy pushed up and narrowed his eyes at Izuku, before travelling down to his hands - currently curled into fists and under his thighs. Izuku squirmed a little under the watch, looking at the desk with a displeased exhale. A boy develops a nervous tick that makes him subconsciously peel his finger tips and suddenly no one trusts him - but he hadn't in so long!

Well, not frequently for a long time. The Entrance Exams and Results Day don't count. 

A hand slung over his shoulder and a head bonked the side of his, a laugh bursting the peace in his ear. "Zukun! I thought you weren't gonna make it dude!" Brushing aside blonde that tickled his nose, Izuku watched the door. His Unkie hadn't made it clear how he was going to be testing the class, but Izuku didn't like the thought of it. He knew the man would just appear and boom! They'd have failed.

"Me ne-neither. I got ca-caught up." He noticed Hitoshi talking to the kid besides him - one with an obvious bird mutation Quirk but Izuku was sure there was something else - and turned back to the front, jumping slightly as he was met with a head of ash-blonde hair resting on his desk, feet propped on his own.

"You're getting lazy nerd." 

His eyes widened slightly, and he bolted upright. "Kacchan?!"

The boy tsked, not acknowledging or matching Izuku's excitement. They hadn't seen each other in nearly five years, there meetings few and far between. They still messaged, and often joined each other online during a Xbox game, but didn't see each other.

How hadn't Izuku noticed him when he walked in? Katsuki was rarely late and he was sat right in front of Izuku. The boy prided himself on his observations but he missed someone as explosive as Kacchan?! Unless he wasn't there - he and Kisan did know each other so it was plausible they had been talking. But the chance was low - they got along but Kacchan never voluntarily hung out with anyone so-

He was cut off by a flick to his forehead and flung his eyes up, meeting crimson eyes and a scowl. "You'll get yourself killed if you mumble like that in the field dick head." Denki laughed then, squeezing Izuku's shoulders tightly. "Don't be thick Katsuki. That's obviously why we're here. I can just-" 

Izuku yelped at a small shock to his side, and shoved Denki jokingly off him. "D-Don't do that!" Both boys laughed - Katsuki's covered by a cough - and Izuku felt a twisting in his gut. He pushed them away. "He's here." Unsurprisingly they sunk into their seats as the door opened, a yellow thing rolling in.

Izuku's head collapsed into his hands. He had jokingly brought his Unkie the sleeping bag little over a year ago, claiming it 'would match my bag' and used it as a general jab towards the man's sleeping tendencies. The joke had back fired, massively. 

He felt his dread deepen further when the class took a agonising amount of time to realise and silence in their seats. The man sighed deeply - a sound of pure disappointment - and wiggled in the sleeping bag, slurping a (naughty word) jelly packet before climbing out and glaring at the class.

"Hmm, it took you lot eight seconds to quiet down."

A heavy and cold atmosphere settled in, no one daring to say a word.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you." Izuku supposed it could have been worse. The Underground Hero had at least taken some of Uncle Za's advice and had tried pleasantries.

He pulled something out the yellow sac, holding out the blue, red and white gym clothes. "Wear these immediately. And then shove off to the P.E. grounds."


A Quirk Apprehension test?!

More than ever, Izuku hated his Unkie. He was at least hoping to make some friends before they all discovered he was Quirkless. 

This was one of the few times he and his Unkie opposed views. Izuku wasn't necessarily ashamed of his Quirklessness, but he knew how the fact shaped people views. They'd either become threatening to him or treat him as though he was going to break. Very rarely did they act like nothing was different. He had wanted to keep it secret for a day at the very least, show everyone he wasn't different before they found out. Create a basis of their opinions to him.

Shouta on the other hand wanted him to wear it like a badge on his collar - as everyone else wore their Quirks - before people made their assumptions on him. To prove he was worth the place he'd won - and to shape their ideas before they made them. He believed true Heroes wouldn't judge him for it, and it was a way of proof.

But of course, Shouta was the adult and Teacher, and ultimately got last word in the discussion.

A girl - who Izuku vaguely remembered from the entrance exam - spoke up and voiced everyone's thoughts.

"What about the Ceremony?! And the Guidance Counsellor meeting?" 

Shouta shifted his gaze over his shoulder, making most the class shift awkwardly under his glare. His voice was harder as he spoke, pushing the importance to his words.

"If you want to be Heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceities. You all understand the School's reputation for freedom on Campus. Well, that 'freedom' goes for us Senseis, too."

A heavy feeling set in everyone's gut. 

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