take care of yourself (kamitodo)

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(I hope this is accurate to how an ear infection is irl. I don't know much about it so upon the request I had to do some research on the internet.)

It was so annoying.

But not like it was unusual to the boy.

Shoto had a ear infection, again. Usually he'd take care of himself relatively well. He hasn't had any in the past few month although it was common in his childhood. It was just that recently, there had been a lot of tests at school he had to prepare for. Add that together with training, he's bound to miss some things.

There was also the chance that he had inhaled too much smoke lately. Going to formal events with his father where the after party included people lighting cigarettes, might have had something to do with it.

He didn't notice at first, and it only started itching in the middle of class.

When the bell rung, he hurriedly packed up his stuff and rushed out the class room to the bathroom. Walking up to the mirrors, he noticed his ear did infact look a little red. He thought he should just ignore it for now, it's not like he had time to do anything anyways, as the next class was quirk training and sparring.

He walked out the bathroom to make his way to the training arena.

With sweat dripping down the side of his face, he stumbled on his sore legs into the changing room. Shoto wasn't exactly surprised to be a little dizzy and for his vision to be a little foggy. It was pretty normal for him to push himself a little too far in training, despite the warnings from his teachers and fellow classmates. However, he usually kept his composure pretty well so no one could tell he was unwell.

This time though, as shoto sat down on the seats in the change room (those pieces of wood that stick out of the wall that you sit on.. yk), it was obvious he was not okay.

The way the boy looked like his legs were about to give out if he didn't sit down fast enough, the way his eyes drooped with fatigue, the way his shoulders slouched. Those were all signs of weakness that Shoto todoroki wouldn't show normally.

And his friends knew. Seeing him in that state was not a nice sight.

Kaminari walked up next to Shoto,

"Are you okay dude?"

He asked the younger.

Not feeling up to verbally reply, shoto cautiously nodded his head yes. Very slowly might I add, in fear of making his already swaying vision even worse.

The boys in the locker room shared knowing glances at each other, silently agreeing that they should bring shoto back to his dorm before his condition gets any worse.

As bakugou set out to find their insomniac of a teacher, kaminari and kirishima were at shoto's sides with their arms wrapped around the younger boy's shoulders, keeping his unsteady body upright.

They ignore shoto's mumbled protests that he didn't need to go back to the dorms. Any other day, shoto would have easily used his quirk to break out of their grips, but his body felt weak and tired, so much so that he couldn't do anything as his friends lectured him on their way to the dorms.

"Do you know what's wrong with you shotobro?"

Kaminari asked as the mentioned male got comfortable under the sheets of his bed. The two had gotten a lot closer to each other, thanks to mina and jirou, who talked about Shoto constantly. Somehow shoto became an honorary member of the Bakusquad, all thanks to the girls.

Everyone was on first name basis with Shoto, knowing that he doesn't love using his father's last name.

"Yea I'm fine Denki.. it's probably just a ear infection. Pretty common."

He quietly explained.

"Dude, you should tell us about these things! Or at least tell a teacher. And before you ask, I know you didn't."

Ah yes, kirishima, always the nice and supportive friend.

"I'm gonna go back to class and make sure bakugou actually told mr. Aizawa. You coming kami?"

"Actually I think imma stay with Shoto, tell mr. Aizawa that I'm keeping him company."

Was he really? Or did he just not want to go to class? I guess we'll never know.

"Alright.. cya later then. Feel better Shoto!"

Sitting down beside shoto on his bed, kaminari helped shoto sit up, handing him a glass of water.

"You know sho.."

The latter felt his stomach twist at the nickname that flowed oh so naturally out of denki's mouth in nothing but affection.

"... you should really take care of yourself."

They kinda just stayed in shoto's room for the rest of the afternoon. Cuddling did occur.

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