in his defence

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Today's training session will be accompanied by a special guest, Endeavor.

Those words were all Shoto needed to hear to be upset. He was scared and irritated at the same time. He didn't want to be here if he was. This school, UA is the only place he'd ever felt safe in. The only place he'd ever felt cared for and heard. But today was just going to be different, with him here that is.

It's okay Shoto. It's only for today. He can't hurt you.

He kept chanting in his head, over and over that he was safe. That his father couldn't possibly do anything to him while all his classmates were there, and the teachers too.

But that didn't lessen the fear that settled in his stomachs as he stepped up to the the training area to spar with the person he hated the most. Endeavor sent a cold glare at shoto, it sent shivers down his spine while somehow, simultaneously making his insides burn. He felt it all at once. His scar, the bruises, the burns. The feeling came back to him and poured over his body like a wave. He was petrified.

Just.. just breath shoto. It's going to be okay. Everyone's watching. You can't mess this up.

Even though he wasn't trying to be perfect for his father, he had always held himself to high standards, expecting nothing but the best. To do everything in his ability to achieve his goals. To be a worthy hero.

As a whistle blew, the sparring began. He'd flinched when the shrill sound rang through the arena, reminding him of a certain childhood memory. Shoto didn't allow himself time to dwell on it. He had to act, as Endeavor was now ruthlessly running towards him, throwing fire and punches his way.

Shoto dodged all of the attacks. Things were starting off okay. He had made a wall of ice, separating him from the root of all his fear. Then jumping on top of the structure to ambush an attack with his fist, encased in ice. Anyone would have been concerned at how they seemed to wish death upon each other, but to the two Todoroki's on the arena, this was the only way to fight each other properly.

It went on for a while, shoto actually holding his own. Some of his classmates were cheering him on, telling him how great he was doing. It didn't make a difference, he couldn't hear them. To the younger, this fight was just as dangerous as any other against a villain. It could lead to catastrophic injuries if he wasn't careful. He could see his father was holding back against some of his friends when they sparred, but against his own son, he showed no mercy.

Up to this point he had avoided using his fire. His reflexes told him not to do it. His body was so used to denying that part of him in training with his father. However, they were not at home, and this was not one of 'those' training sessions. He still couldn't bring himself to use it.

Endeavour's booming voice resonated all around the room. Shoto flinched to a stop. All the worst parts of his life entering his mind. At that point he could see red, horrifying flames, and his mother and the kettle. Everything came to a halt as his breathing quickened. His breathes came out short and staggered. While he was distracted, Endeavor came at him with a punch, directly on his right eye. Shoto fell to the ground in panic and pain.

Another whistle rang, signaling the end of the session. All the students ran into the arena.

"What the fuck?! HE WAS CLEARLY OUT OF IT!"
Bakugou shrieked at Endeavor. Deku watched for a second before bending down a holding shoto.
"Are you okay todoroki?"
He inspected the eye which Endeavor punched, only to frown when he saw a dark bruise forming. Along with that, he also saw that his clothes had many tears and burns in them from cutting too close to the flames. Underneath, he could see red skin, scars, and even more fading bruises. Deku clenched his jaw in anger, he knew what those injuries are from. And most of them are not from today's training.

"That's enough. Everyone pack up. Todoroki was the last one, we are done for today."

The students hesitantly left the arena, shooting glances at each other and Endeavor. Deku and ojiro helped todoroki up from his shaken state on the floor.

Just as they were about to leave..
"Shoto, come home this weekend. I have things to discuss with you."

And that was the last string.

(Flash back)

Shoto walked into the classroom. He was the last one there. That never happened. His classmates watched as he held his head low, keeping his gaze on the floor, hiding his face. That day, class 1-A found out how flawed Todoroki's life was. Of course they didn't know all the details, but they weren't the best first year class for nothing. All of them had their assumptions, and all of them cut pretty close to the truth. They wished they were wrong.

(Flash back ends)

"He is not going with you!"

"Yeah! Look at him, he's totally out of it!"

"I don't know what you want to 'discuss' with him about old man, but it can't be good."

Even mineta spoke up.
"That's- that's just not cool dude!"

And everyone agreed.

Endeavor was furious. It was outrageous for meer heroes in training to speak to the number 2 that way. And Shoto was his son. He had the right to do what he wanted with his own family.

The class had a different opinion. They rambled on about how todoroki deserved to live a fun life. How he was already one of the strongest people they knew. How he was amazing compared to trash like him.

Endeavour snapped.


His shoulders lit up in flames.

"That's enough. I have evidence now that you are mistreating Shoto. Leave before I force you."

Aizawa's authoritative but passive voice said. He's heard enough. And he was convinced that with all his students as witnesses and shoto's statement, they would at least be able to take Shoto away from Endeavor's custody.

Endeavour huffed in anger. He walked out of the school, but not before bumping into aizawa's shoulder on his way out.

Attention was brought back to Shoto, who was still shaking and whimpering quietly. Everyone looked at him in sympathy as they tried to calm him down. Aizawa walked over and started doing breathing exercises, which worked as shoto's breathing returned to a normal speed.

"You guys go back to the dorms. I'm giving you the rest of the day off. I have to arrange to take Endeavor to court for abuse. Keep an eye on Todoroki."

And with that, he left for the students to handle themselves. They were able to defend shoto against Endeavor when they needed to. After all, they were heroes in training, and they could take care of each other.

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