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It was pouring.

The tired boy's eyes fluttered open to an unusually dark room. The sound of thunder rang outside and the rain drops fell on his window. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to force himself awake some more.

He looked over at the clock that sat on top of his bedside table. It read 6:24. Today was Monday. He'd spent the last 2 nights at his house out of the dorms, training. He thought back to last night, he had stayed up till 2 in the morning. No wonder he was so tired. Nevertheless, he had to get up and ready for school.

He sighed as he walked out of his room and into the bathroom. As he washes his face, he took notice of his dark eye bags that would clearly bring questions from his class. They'd ask him why he's so tired, because his life was so great. They'd ask him why he looked so disheveled, because he was always so perfect. Or at least his appearance was. He brushed his teeth and left the bathroom.

After changing, he walked into the kitchen and picked up an apple and a granola bar to eat as he walked to school. You would expect the number 1 hero's son to take a private, fancy car or something. But he didn't want to ask his dad for it today. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

The rain drops fell heavily onto his umbrella, some splashing onto him. But he didn't care. He shook his head to slightly dry his hair where it was wet, and stepped into the school.

There were some stares in the hallway, but at this point, he was used to it. It was normal for someone so well known. Except today, the stares were slightly more judging of his appearance and less  in admiration.

He walked into the classroom, the only one there being midoriya, the early bird, and iida. Curious glances were thrown his way, but he ignored them. Just like how he proceeded to ignore any other stares that day. He only spoke when absolutely necessary, and avoided eye contact. His classmates were a little worried.

It was the last period of the day, and Shoto was completely drained. Lucky for him, it was a study period, and he was done everything he had to do. So he had his head down, resting on his arms as he closed his eyes, not quite awake but not asleep. Surprisingly, the room was relatively quiet.

As the day went on, his friends started understanding that he just wasn't in the mood to talk. And the whole class eventually caught on to that fact too. So the left him alone. Even bakugou, ever so explosive and cranky after a weekend arguing with his mother, was being considerate, and he was grateful for that.

Suddenly he heard the dekusquad laughing. He didn't know why, that made him want to cry. Why couldn't he just be normal? Happy? He couldn't remember the last time he felt just, content with who he was.

Tears rolled down his cheeks silently, and he ignored them. Waves of sadness crashed onto him. His thoughts of doubt overflowed his mind. He hid them well, or he would have normally, but he was too tired to today.

The room went silent.

Time slowed down as his walls broke. Before it sped up again, and things were back to normal. People were quietly talking to their friends. Laughing and gossiping. Aizawa in the front was sleeping, as usual in a free period.

He wiped his tears, hoping no one noticed, even though he knew they had. He brushed away his thoughts. Who knew all he needed was a good cry and for people not to judge him for not being perfect for once?

The dekusquad came over to the dual haired boy, after he collected himself, and asked him if he wanted to hang out after school.

He wanted to sleep. But what would they say? Would it upset them? They tried so hard to become his friend, and he had done nothing for them in return. At least that's what he believed. He couldn't say no.

".. sure.."


"Icy hot is not coming."

"Why, kacchan?"

Yeah, why?

"Can't you idiots see this bastard needs sleep?! He's starting to look like Aizawa. We have training tomorrow and I don't want to fight you when you're not at your best. I want to beat your ass fairly, so don't go! Fucking sleep dumbass."

Oh. Thanks bakugou.

He had a nap that afternoon, and slept early that night.

Yes bakugou won the next day, but that was  fine. He'd beat him next time.

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