field trip

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Another thing that Shoto todoroki has sadly never experienced.

So when it was announced to the class that they were going on one, he stared at the front of the class with a blank expression on his face while his brain screamed yes.

This wasn't the same as 'trips' that they've had before. This time they were going to have fun. Not that training wasn't fun sometimes, especially with his class, things never got boring. But it would be nice to do something more relaxing for once.

*time skip to the day of the field trip*

Shoto looked over his bags one last time to make sure he had everything he needed (although the reality was that he already had too much). He had informed his father the other day, lying and telling him that it  was a training camp. Endeavor took the bait, not questioning it and not being able to even if he wanted because Shoto had told him through text the night before at midnight, he only saw the message in the morning.

"Are you ready todoroki-kun?"

Asked momo.

Ever so caring for her friends. Just as you would expect her to, she brought extra. And by extra I mean everything from snacks for the whole class to multiple bottles of sunscreen. People might judge her but from experience, non of these 'extra' items come back home unopened.

Shoto nodded his head.

"Would you like me to help you apply sunscreen?"

She asked politely.

He realized that in the midst of packing and being excited for the trip, he forgot.

And so, once again, nodding, he allowed her to help him apply it.

Some people would look and see them as a couple, but the two knew they were just close friends, and so did the rest of the class. Some of their classmates and others in the hall looked at them with jealousy. Guys and girls being jealous of both of them. The perfect duo, rich, smart, attractive. Guys wished they were Shoto and girls wished they were momo. But their real friends, their close friends, adored their relationship.

"Okay, I'm gonna do role call and we're leaving right after."

They walked to their trip destination. It was a park with cabins where they were going to stay the night. There was a playground and a water park beside it and a big field.

They arrived at about 11am in the morning. Mr. Aizawa instructed for everyone to find a partner to room with and start unpacking. Shoto ended up with iida. The two of them chose the cabin furthest away from the playground areas, as neither of them were very interested, and unpacked their stuff.

Lunch time came around and by then, most people were finished unpacking their things. Bakugou and momo were in charge of cooking, being the class' honorary parents. They made noodles with eggs and vegetables, and put out a few bowls of fruit the class had gotten from Mr. Aizawa.

After everyone had eaten, they spread out doing their own activities.

It was relaxing for once for the students, everyone wanted to make the best of it.

However, one person was still working. It wasn't like he wanted to, but he didn't know what else to do. Shoto sat under a tree watching everyone else while he switched back and forth between fire and ice.

Every time Shoto tried enjoying himself, he felt pressure to do something more. Because it made him feel numb and.. useless to do anything other than what he deemed 'productive '. It always ended up with him breaking down from the negative thoughts in his brain, telling him he was being lazy. He couldn't enjoy anything. He didn't know how to.

"Why are you all by yourself todoroki-kun?"

Asked uraraka, as she and the girls approached him.

They had just been talking and exchanging gossip when Jirou noticed him and pointed him out to the girls.

Although Shoto was considerably close to all of them, only Momo and Jirou knew in detail about some of the problems he had mentally. He'd spoken to momo about it before, as they were both from wealthy and well known families. He knew she'd be better at understanding his problems, which originated from the high expectations of the media and his family. She'd told jirou, with his consent of course.

The girls sat down with him as they continued their conversation, not wanting him to be alone anymore. Jirou and Momo sat on either side of shoto. They grasped his hand and smiled at him, almost like they were telling him that everything was going to be okay. The others noticed but didn't mention it as they laughed about some drama happening with Monoma again.

Shoto got soon got bored and tired. Without knowing it, he started drifting off.

Momo flinched slightly as a sudden weight landed on her shoulder. Jirou smiled while the rest of the girls squealed and cooed at how cute Shoto looked, with his head on Momo's shoulder, completely at ease for once.

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