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《Kya's point of view》

I walked into the gym and dropped my bag by one of the empty chairs on the back wall. I started doing some stretching and admired my outfit. I wanted to be comfortable but still kinda cute, ya know? I had decided to wear a pair of lavender colored leggings with a matching sports bra, and a black tank-top with black sneakers. As I was sitting on the floor doing a front bend I felt a light tap on the back of my head.

"Hey, idiot, are you done stretching so we can spar?" I looked up and saw Bakugo wearing the school gym pants and a black tank-top. Damn, why does he have to look so good all the time? He interrupted my thoughts by clearing his throat. "Ahhem, Kya? Did you hear me?" I looked at him and blushed so hard I thought I might pass out. My words weren't working so I just nodded my head and followed him to the open sparring area.

"So, are we using quirks or no quirks?" I asked him as I got into my fight stance. I saw a wicked gleam in his eye as he lowered his body into his fight stance.

"Let's start out with hand to hand and then work our way up. Now....let's see if you can keep up." He lunged at me and threw a right hook at my stomach. I nearly dodged his hit and stepped to the side. I raised my left leg and landed a kick to his chest. He stumbled back a step clutching at his shirt with a surprised look on his face. "Wow kid, you actually landed a blow. Good for you." He smirked at me and I felt my blood boil.

I ran up and grabbed the back of his head, throwing my bodyweight down to the mat. As I did I wrapped my legs around his torso and effectively pinned him to the ground. With him under me I grabbed both of his arms, holding them above his head and used my left leg to pin down his hips. He was panting for breath and his eyes filled with a mix of anger and astonishment. I leaned closer to him and squinted my eyes. "I'm not a kid and I can kick your ass any day of the week. Got it?" I shoved off of him and turned to get some water.

He used that opportunity to come at me from behind. He grabbed my left wrist spinning me around, when I faced him he placed his hand on my chest and slammed me to the floor. He was crouched next me and winked when I looked up at him. "Not so tuff when it's you who is...." As he was talking I bucked my hips and wrapped my legs around his neck. With a twist I was sitting above him again and he grunted under me, obviously pissed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying about not looking so tuff?" He grabbed my hips and shoved me off of him.

"Whatever, that was just fucking luck. I'm getting water." I watched him stomp off in the direction of some other guys that were chuckling. He lifted his hand and some small explosions went off causing the guys to effectively shut up. I rolled my eyes and got a drink of water.

《Bakugo's point of view》

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair!" I shoved Kirishima back but he kept laughing.

"I'm sorry bro, but you just got your ass kicked by a sixteen year old underclassmen. I wish I had a camera on me!" He doubled over in laughter again.

"Yeah Bakugo, that was pretty bad. I mean, she is pretty cute so I could understand you letting her pin you once, but twice? C'mon dude, that's just sad." Sero patted my shoulder and winced as if he was in pain. That shit head is pitying me! Fuck this, I'll show them that I can beat that fucking wimp.

I slapped Sero's hand away and stormed off to get Kya. She was standing by her bag checking her phone. "HEY! WATER BITCH! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!" When she looked up I grabbed her by her shirt and tossed her to the middle of the room. She stumbled back and had to steady herself.

"What the hell dude!?! That's a bit unnecessary, don't ya think?" She brushed off her shirt and flipped me off. I just growled and lunged at her. She stepped back and tried to kick me again but I grabbed her leg in time and threw her into the wall. She stood up and threw a punch at my stomach. I grabbed her wrist and pinned it to her back, pressing her back against my chest. She grunted and leaned forward causing me to flip over her and land on my ass. I quickly scrambled to my feet and got back into a fighting position. Just as we were about to go again the gym doors flew open and Mr. Aizawa walked in.

"Alright guys, that's enough. Time to lock up, so get your stuff and get out. And you two," He poited a finger at Kya and I. " Take it easy next time, I don't need you killing the underclassmen Bakugo. And you," He pointed right at Kya. "Don't let a guy like him get behind you, he'll always have the advantage. Take out his legs or his balance and then you will win the fight."

Kya nodded her head and bowed. "Yeah, ok Da--Aizawa..... uh, thanks." Her face was flushed and she looked down at the floor. What was she about to call him? Aizawa turned and left and everyone started to pack up for the night. Before we left I grabbed Kya's arm and pulled her back to me.

"Hey, you did pretty good for our first spar. Next time we can use quirks if you want. Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I am. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at noon, we can grab lunch and then come here to train. Ok? And after we can do homework and I can help you start your paper."

"Oh, wow. Well, uh, ok then. I guess that's the plan." Her face was so pink and her eyes were wider than normal, it made her look so innocent and small. Fuck, she's so cute when she looks like that. I reached my hand out and tucked a stray hair behind her ear before I could stop myself. What the hell? Why did I do that!? I reached up and scratched the back of my neck as I slowly stepped away. "I'll text you when I'm on my way. See ya." I turned and left before I could give her a chance to respond.

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