30 | The Secret of the Wolf

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They had been travelling for hours now but with their talking, they could not keep track of the time. The snow started falling halfway through their journey but they were safe from inside the mech. Harumi glanced down at the map to make sure they were still on the right path every now and then but her main focus was on Lloyd and his stories. Getting to know him and what he's been through had been their best idea yet.

"When you came along with the sons of Garmadon and as soon as I saw your symbol, I knew. Here we go again." Lloyd groaned which made Harumi laugh.

"I am so sorry. It was my idea for it to look like your father." She apologized and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind him.

Thunder roared from the sky while the clouds turned into a darker shade of grey. Which made Red look up and bark at the sky.

"Those don't look good." Lloyd stated as he looked up at the clouds.

"I think we should pick up the pace, Lloyd." Harumi suggested before he started pressing some buttons to make the mech move faster.

They had reached a place where shards of ice stuck out of the ground. It was a darker shade of blue and it had some cracks on the outside.

"Wait." Lloyd said before he hopped out of the mech.

"What is that?" Harumi inquired as she ran up beside him.

"This doesn't look like normal ice." Lloyd started before he tried to touch it. A strange aura radiated from the shard which made him pull his hand back. "Yeah, maybe not a good idea."

Red barked in agreement from his place on the mech.

"But there's more of it. It's everywhere." Harumi pointed towards the horizon where the ground was covered in more shards of ice.

"We better keep moving." Lloyd commanded before they got back in the mech. "We're gonna have to find shelter if this thing gets any worse." He pointed towards the sky where the thunder continued to roar.

A strike of lightning hit the ground which created a trail of the ice shards.

"Ice is definitely not supposed to do that." Harumi stated as they watched it approach them.

A groan echoed from behind the mech which made Red growl at the sound.

"Did you hear that?" Harumi asked in fear. They had encountered plenty of creatures already and it seemed like someone was trying to stop them from reaching the castle.

The mech turned around and had barely dodge a punch from a stone being that had formed from the strike of lightning. Lloyd pulled out the mech's sword and readied it to attack the giant.

The giant held a stone pillar in its hand and managed to knock them backwards. Red jumped down from the mech to avoid getting hurt in the fight while the mech charged towards the giant and slashed its sword at its arm.

The rocks that made up his arm fell to the ground only to be placed in its original form once more.

"Oh no." The two gasped from inside the mech as they watched the scene.

The stone giant launched towards them and pushed them backwards. The mech held onto the giant which made them both fall of the cliff. Harumi and Lloyd screamed from the inside as they fell. The mech landed roughly on the ground and the stone giant was in pieces from the fall. Red ran down the mountain to chase after them and barked to try and wake up the couple.

A spark was heard from behind the wolf and it turned around to see the stone giant build itself back up. Lloyd gasped as he woke up and immediately focused on controlling the mech.

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