9 | We are Gold

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But the ninja weren't the only ones she had to prove herself to. There was also the city she had helped destroy. With Lloyd's help, they would often visit the city and help as much as they could.

"Ready?" She asked the blond boy beside her. It was night time and the couple had decided to sneak out.

"Of course, I am." Lloyd smirked as they walked towards the canals of Ninjago city.

On most nights, Lloyd and Harumi would bring food to the poor and roam the city through the night. It reminded them of the first time they spent together.

"You know the first time we were here was the only time I never pretend. I was open to you and I let you see who I really was." Harumi admitted as they leaned on the railings of a bridge.

"Well I'm glad. Because that was the time I fell in love with you more." Lloyd confessed and got closer to her.

The two were about to kiss before they heard the sounds of a camera taking pictures. They looked behind them to find some people with their phones out snapping pictures of the couple for they had recognized the Green ninja.

"We gotta go." Lloyd grabbed her hand and the two got out of there as fast as they could.

"Hurry!" Harumi whispered as she and Lloyd sneaked back into the monastery.

They climbed the walls and landed as quietly as they could. The two made their way into Lloyd's room and dropped themselves on the bed.

"That was fun." Lloyd giggled as they stared at the ceiling. "I'm pretty sure Master Wu would scold us if we're late tomorrow."

"Then you better wake up early, Green Ninja." Harumi teased and yawned. It was already 1 in the morning when they had got back, tired from their little rendezvous.

Lloyd turned his head to the left to see the girl fast asleep beside him. He smiled and got up to move her head onto the pillow. He climbed in beside her and kissed her head before pulling the blankets over them.

"Goodnight, Princess." Lloyd whispered as he shut his eyes and fell asleep too.

A streak of sunlight had managed to make its way into Lloyd's room and illuminate the place signaling it was already the next day.

"Lloyd get up! Master Wu called an emergency meeting in 5 minutes." Cole announced as he knocked on the door. Silence was all he got so he went away to get the others.

"Lloyd! Lloyd! Wake up!!" Jay yelled for they did not want to make Master Wu furious with their tardiness. "Oh this is ridiculous!" He pushed sliding doors open and was met with the image of Lloyd and Harumi cuddling. Her hand was around his waist as she used his chest as a pillow while Lloyd had his arm by her back.

"Aww. How cute!" Nya exclaimed as she shoved her way past the ninja.

"Zane please tell me you got this." Kai exclaimed excitedly.

"Affirmative, Kai. It is now stored in my memory." Zane reassured as Kai jumped from excitement.

Their noise along with the light of the sun that had entered through the doors managed to wake up sleeping figures.

"What the-!" Lloyd exclaimed as he got up and saw his teammates. "Why are you all staring?" His question was answered when he looked down and saw Harumi peacefully asleep on his chest.

"Our little green bean is growing up." Kai said in a teasing voice which made a pillow fly at him.

"Hmm, what's going on?" Harumi hummed as she felt Lloyd move when he threw the pillow. She opened her eyes to find their friends and she immediately sat up. "Oh, hey." She tried to shake it off with a wave and a smile but it was already too late.

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