28 | Unwanted Storytelling

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Walking through a forest covered in snow is not as wonderful as it sounds. First, it started to get dark which meant the couple was going to run out of light soon. Second, the random wolf howls made the two nervous for they did not know when one would attack.

"Would you like some?" Harumi offered the bag filled with water in her hand. They had been walking for hours with no stopping so she decided to rehydrate herself as they continued.

"Yes, please." Lloyd answered and she handed the bag to him. As he drank, Harumi held out the map they got from Sorla.

Another wolf howl was heard and there was some rustling in the trees. Harumi jumped at the sound and Lloyd drew out his sword. Two wolves corned them on each end which made the stand back to back. The wolf on Lloyd's side went to attack him but was thrown to the side but a white wolf that came out of nowhere. The other wolf charged at Harumi but was also blocked by the white wolf. It growled which made the animals leave the two.

"Wow. I've never seen a wolf like you before." Lloyd commented as he eyed the details on the white wolf.

It had three tails with the ends painted in red. The wolf also had 6 red slashes on its face. While its skin was white as the snow.

"What do you want?" Lloyd asked, his sword still in his hand in case it attacks.

"Maybe it's hungry." Harumi suggested before digging into her backpack.

"Well, don't even think about it. We fight back." Lloyd declared and the wolf whined which made him put his sword back.

"Here. You can take this, okay?" Harumi tossed one of the sticks with fish that Jay gave them towards the wolf. It sniffed it for a bit and looked up at them.

"You can eat that. Truce?" Lloyd said and the two continued their walk into the forest. He grabbed the map again as he compared its drawings to what they saw.

"Mala-Wojira." Harumi gasped.

"If you make a sound, Wojira's Wrath will strike you down." Lloyd stated and looked up. "Okay, no sound."

"Quiet as a breeze." Harumi said as she took a deep breath. They had to walk through a narrow path between two mountains covered in snow.

They were only a few steps in when Lloyd sneezed and a rumbling sound was heard behind them. The snow from the mountains fell from the sound and created a barrier between the entrance and where they were.

"Guess there's no turning back." Harumi whispered and continued walking.

Some snow fell from the side of the mountains as they walked past. The further they went in the colder it got. Their only light was the night sky which was filled with stars and the moon. They came across a fog and heard some sounds coming from beyond it. Lloyd used his powers to create a source of light and they were now face to face with the ice warriors they had fought yesterday.

Lloyd hit them with his power while Harumi knocked them down with her sword. They broke into ice blocks just like the previous ones. Harumi got held down by three of the warriors while one of them was trying to freeze her foot.

"Rumi!" Lloyd whisper-shouted and zapped his powers at them.

More soldiers tackled him until he could no longer get up. He tried to fight back but there were too many of them.

"Lloyd!" Harumi called from where she was as the ice got up to her chest. "Wojira's wrath is an avalanche."

"Wojira's wrath? Wojira's wrath!" Lloyd yelled which made the snow fall from both sides of the mountain. He managed to jump away from the soldiers who were too busy watching the avalanche happen. He picked up Harumi and shielded her head as they both took cover while the snow covered the path they were on.

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