2| Blending In

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Nya drove through the city as they had just recovered from a near death experience with Garmadon's stone giant. Although, recovered would be an understatement. Of all the times they nearly died, this was one of the most nerve wracking. Harumi could not believe her luck, destiny really wanted her dead for it had tried to kill her twice today. 

"What about the rest of the resistance?" Lloyd asked and looked around at his small team. "We can't just leave them there!" 

"They're not my concern, you are." Nya responded and focused on driving them as far away as possible.

Lloyd wanted to say something back but decided to keep it to himself. It was too risky to go back now. The resistance will fight on. I know they will.

Harumi was sitting in the corner beside the lever that opens the door. She was nervous on what destiny had planned for her after she had just betrayed the current ruler of Ninjago City.

"Hey." Skylor said as she sat down next to her. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah." Harumi replied, curious to why she was being nice to her.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm being nice to you because I know how you feel, Harumi. I, too, betrayed the ninja a few years back."

"Really? What happened?"

"My Father had an evil plan to take all the elemental powers. In the end, I found myself helping the ninja defeat my father so I guess you could say I redeemed myself." Skylor smiled at the memory. "After that, everything was cool between me and the guys."

Harumi listened carefully. The red-haired girl's story had managed to calm her down for she knew she's doing the right thing.

"The ninja are kind hearted people. I'm sure things will turn around soon enough." Skylor patted her shoulder. 

"But they aren't here anymore." Harumi reasoned. After watching the bounty get crushed about a week and a half ago, she was sure they were gone.

"Oh they're here. Maybe not in this realm but we have reasons to believe they're alive." Skylor explained. The news gave her quite the shock but knowing the ninja, they could survive through anything.

"You don't understand--." Harumi got caught off as the vehicle came to a stop. Everyone looked at Nya.

"Everyone out." She said and Harumi pulled the lever to open the ramp.

"What are we doing at a junk yard?" Darreth asked as they looked around the piles of garbage stacked beside them.

"I'm afraid we can't use the battle wagon anymore. With the sons of Garmadon knowing we had escaped, we need to blend in with the rest of the city. And that means getting rid of the things that make us stand out." Nya sighed after she explained and turned to Lloyd.

"What?" He asked, quite confused.

"Even our suits, Lloyd." She admitted which took the boy aback. He looked down and nodded.

"What about her?" Darreth asked as he pointed towards Harumi. The team had never really decided what to do after they had let her join them on their escape.

"We helped you get away from them. It's best we part ways here." Nya crossed her arms. She was still hesitant with having the girl join them.

"Please, I don't want to go back there. Who knows what they'll do to me next." Harumi begged for she knew Garmadon was capable of many things and would certainly kill her without a doubt.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Nya turned to Lloyd and raised her eyebrow at him.

"We don't know for sure. But it's best to keep her with us so she doesn't cause any more mishaps." Lloyd narrowed his eyes as he answered. Was that really the reason he wanted her to stay? Or maybe there was more to it than his mind could comprehend.

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