23 | To Retrive A Scroll

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"Did that just happen?" Lloyd asked in disbelief.

"Oh, that makes me mad!" Nya exclaimed. "I'm going right back in there and giving that little pencil pusher a piece of my mind!"

"Nya, please there are more important matters at hand." Harumi said as she stepped in front of the girl to calm her down. "I promise when this is over, we can both tell him what's what."

"We do not have time for this." Zane added. "May I suggest another tactic?"

"What tactic?" Nya asked and Zane changed his appearance to something similar to Clutch Powers.

"Deception." Zane spoke using Clutch's voice as he changed it to match his disguise.

"Hey, that's pretty good. You look just like Clutch." Lloyd complimented as he admired Zane's new look.

"You think they'll buy it?" Harumi questioned as she examined the attire.

"It's worth a try." Lloyd said as they all prepared for Zane's act.


"What happened?" Harumi asked as they saw Zane walk out of the doors with his head down.

"Apparently, Clutch Power's membership has been suspended." Zane informed them as the disguise wore out.

"That's it. I'm done with that pencil pusher!" Nya exclaimed, her anger was fueled once more. "You know what time it is? It's ninja o' clock."

Nya did some flips to climb the wall before she reached the roof of the building. The trio smirked and followed her lead. Once they made it to the roof, Nya pointed towards an air vent which had a propeller spinning on top of it. Lloyd pulled out of his sword and placed it by the side which Zane froze using his powers. It stopped the propeller but creaking noises could be heard.

"Okay, that looks safe." Lloyd stated and the blade moved a little causing a creaking sound to echo through the vent. "Enough."

Nya placed a grappling hook to the wall in front of them and held the rope.

"We go stealth here. No weapons." Lloyd whispered to the team who removed their weapons from their backs and placed it on the floor.

Nya climbed the rope down first, followed by Harumi, Zane, and then Lloyd. They could hear the club members talking from the other side of the vent as they made their way down. Water started dripping from above and Harumi looked up to see the ice that was holding the sword in place melting.

"Guys, problem." Lloyd whispered as he too saw the situation. The sword moved once and then another time until it gave in and fell where the ninja had entered. The propeller started once more which cut the rope they were using.

The ninja yelled as they fell down the air vent. They crashed into a table which was underneath the vent in a room full of explorers.

"Oh, dear." One of the explorers exclaimed as he got hit by a plate.

"What is the meaning of this?" Another explorer demanded an explanation as the team groaned.

"Uh, sorry, we're, um." Nya struggled to finish her sentence.

"Working on the air conditioning?" Lloyd suggested but tried to make it sound more convincing. He held his hand out and his sword fell in his hand which blew their cover.

"Security!" The man on the floor with them yelled as Harumi tried to cover his mouth.

"Heh, that really isn't necessary." She said but the other club members weren't convinced.

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