24| Traveller's Tea

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After the ninja had turned in Aspheera to the police who had locked her up in Garmadon's old cell in Kryptarium, everyone had stayed quiet for the rest of the day as they all cried at the loss of their friend. Pixal, was the one who wept the most.

"There, there, Pix. Let it out." Jay comforted as he patted her back. The team was gathered in the living room, no one had the strength to walk away.

"I'm sure Master Wu has learned something from Aspheera." Cole suggested as he tried to stay optimistic.

"I-I just, I can't believe he's gone." Lloyd exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air before burying his face in Harumi's shoulder.

"Zane is not gone! As long as we keep him in our memories he is still here!" Kai debated for he was filled with anger.

They all had trouble sleeping that night until they all heard a screaming coming from Pixal's room. Everyone quickly got up from their beds and ran towards her.

"Pixal?" Nya called as they entered her room.

"Are you okay?" Harumi asked when she approached the girl who had a picture frame in her hand.

"I am fine." She responded. "I was dreaming about the moment he—he." Pixal could not finish her sentence so she looked down instead.

"It's okay. I know." Nya comforted her.

"I find it difficult to accept that he is gone." Pixal stated as she looked at the photo of her and Zane in the frame.

"We all do." Jay agreed as he sighed. "It just doesn't feel real."

"Zane's alive!" Master Wu yelled as he joined them.




The team bombarded him with questions and Master Wu started to think it was a bad idea to start with that statement.

"Quiet, all of you." He spoke which made the ninja stop talking. "Listen, I spoke to Aspheera at Kryptarium Prison. She didn't destroy Zane. She banished him to a distant realm."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" We gotta go after him!" Kai exclaimed which the ninja's agreed to.

"Yeah, what realm?" Lloyd inquired as they were all eager to find their friend.

"The Never-Realm." Master Wu answered.

"Huh?" Lloyd and Jay said as they were both confused.

"What?" Kai asked.

"The Never Realm?" Nya added since they were all unfamiliar with it.

"I've never heard of it." Cole stated.

"There are few who have." Master Wu stated before walking out of the room.

The ninja chased him as he continued walking down the corridor.

"Wait!" Harumi called as she ran after him. "What's the Never realm?"

"According to legend, it is the most distant and remote of all realms. My father only spoke of it to me once." Master Wu stopped which made the ninja crash into each other behind him as they were all running. "In warning."

The ninja looked at each other as Master Wu started running again and continued his explanation.

"He told of all the realms of creation, it was the one I should never visit. He told me it was a cold and dangerous place. He forbade it." Master Wu finished.

"Um, 'forbade', as in absolutely never ever?" Jay questioned as he had caught up to him.

"Why?" Kai asked from behind him.

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