1 | Plan Behind The Ambush

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Harumi looked out the broken window and down to the retreating garbage trucks. She was furious on how Lloyd and his so called resistance had managed to get past her and her guards.

Fools! They had just given away their hiding spot. She had thought to herself and smirked.

"They got away?" Killow asked as he stood beside her. He easily towered over the girl but that did not lessen his fear towards the girl.

"Not for long. Its time take out the trash." Harumi replied and left the window. As she walked towards the door she caught sight of the blond boy on the screen, whose voice was playing over and over again. A warm feeling of affection ran through her but she shook it away and headed out the room.

One of the riders from the biker gang came running towards her, she didn't know his name for she never bothered to get to know them one by one.

"What do you want?" She snapped as he bent forward and placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"The emperor requires your presence, Quiet one." He finally said and Harumi got away from him as fast as she could.

The horror in her eyes were visible as Harumi thought of what her emperor might do to her after what Lloyd had just accomplished. Mr. E didn't get the good side of it when he had failed to capture their emperor's son. She was sure she was going to face the same.

The ride in the elevator was nerve racking as Harumi made her way to the top floor. Once she arrived, she saw that Killow and Ultra Violet had also been called in, both with a not so pleased expression on their faces. UV even had her arms crossed and eyed her as Harumi walked past her.

"You warned me, my Emperor, that your son would be close and I could not protect you." Harumi started as she faced Garmadon and bowed her head.

"No. You did not." Garmadon replied coldly as he sat on his throne.

"It's because of you that they got the message out!" Ultra Violet spat at and pointed her hand to her. Harumi flinched as she heard those words.

"Enough!" Their emperor shouted. He had no time for childish quarrels when there are more important things to deal with. "Was I not clear what would happen if your machine should fail me?" He continued and walked towards the girl.

"You were more than clear, my Emperor. I offer no excuses."

"Then I will offer you a swift consequence." He casted his power on his right arm and Harumi instantly knew what was next to come.

"Please! I released you." Harumi pleaded and she was lifted in the air with just a flick of Garmadons wrist.

"If you thought your honor would win a special place in my heart, you are mistaken." He informed her. "I have no heart."

Harumi felt her oxygen supply fading as Garmadon pressed his power more. She had to try and make him stop, otherwise, this was the end.

"But my Emperor, what would stop them from organizing another attack?" Harumi said while trying to catch some air. Garmadon laughed at this. She knew it wasn't working.

"Not you, my princess." He told her and continued pressing his power onto her neck. Squeezing all the air out of her lungs.

Harumi didn't know what to do. All she could think of was the Green Ninja, the feelings she suppressed, the moments they had together. Then suddenly, it hit her.

"I know where they are!" She yelled with everything she had left. "I have seen their hideout."

Garmadon had let go and let her drop to the floor. Harumi gasped for air, thankful it had worked.

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