Chapter 37

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After a few minutes (hours) of calmly (while getting drunk) analysing the whole thing I can honestly say I'm angry. Not just angry, pissed off. And maybe a little in shock. Since my dad has left to prepare for the fight in three days and I can hardly kill the King myself, I'm currently on my way to kill Taehyung. Not literally.

I slam the front door open so harshly it actually comes back with a fast sweep. I kick it back again and quickly steps in, before it shuts behind me again. I put a little dampening spell over myself, because you know dont want to burn the bed down again and stamp up the stairs. I opened the door to our bedroom in anger but it's empty. I opened each and every room with the same anger. By the way it's ridiculous that someone has that many guest rooms. Finally arriving to Taehyung's office i kicked it open in less confidence. His eyes are hooded as he stares at me. His mouth opens, brows drawn together but i put up my hand to silence him. Literally, I put a silence spell on him.

"I got whipped for you. My body was on fire, the pain of the whips paralyzing yet throbbing in pain. I defended you against your father, looked him in the eye, the King's eyes and basically told him to shove it. My father's actions are not mine. I did not ask for it and I'm fully aware that in three days one of us will be without a father, the wolf world might collapse if my father wins. I'm scared and broken. I'm terrified. I don't know what to do. I feel like the world is crumbling at my feet and I'm not ready for it. I need my Mate, I need you and I think you need me too. Stop being a prick and hold me." Tears are now streaming over my face. My heart in my throat and my head throbbing with stress.

Taehyung opened his mouth, but no sounds came out. I look at him in desperation before I realise that I have spelled him. With a flick of my wrist I gave him his voice back. His face is wrenched in pain.

"How will you be able to ever look at me again if my father kills yours? If you will be forever trapped by my side without the chance to get to know your mother? What do you think my father will do to you if he defeats yours? Perhaps he'll hang you or he'll lock you away forever just to keep me alive. Or perhaps he'll disown us both, we'll be rogues with no pack and go insane. I'm not blaming you for your father's actions, I know you disagree with it. But one way or another, I'll lose you. I'll lose you.." a single tear slips down his cheeks. I run towards him and jump into his open arms. I bury my head in his neck, my nose filling with his amazing manly scent. After a few minutes of crying my heart is slowly going back to it's calm beats. Taehyung pulls back a little. He looks me in the eyes and a little teasing smile touches his lips.

"You have marked me without my consent. Such a disgrace." I chuckled at his words. "How dare you laugh, m'lady?! This is very serious matter. How oh! How am I going to punish you?" His eyes twinkle as he looks down on me and I giggle once more.

"I'm bound to you for life. Isn't that punishment enough?" One of his arms move from under me and he starts tickling me. I squeak and try to break free, but Taehyung has moved his supporting arm around my back holding me tightly.

"OKAY.PLEASEEE... I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY." I can hardly talk from all the laughing. Taehyung finally stops tickling me. I whipe the hair out of my face and look at him with a huge smile. We gaze at each other and suddenly the air changes around us. His eyes fall to my lips. My grin slowly fades as I look at his, lust taking over me. He slowly comes closer and just when he is about to kiss me the door of his office is smashed open. I snap my head to the door so quickly that a flinch of pain shoots up through my neck. Jaemin stands in the doorway. A sinister smile is plastered on his face. I instantly tense up.

"The King has ordered for the new princess to be held in captivity." His head cocks to the side as if to challenge me. Taehyung's grip on me tightens.

"NO." His voice is dominant and almost like a growl. I can feel his anger curse through me.

"Are you going against the King's orders?" Another challenge in Jaemin's voice. Panic fills my heart as I think about Taehyung and Jaemin getting in a fight. Jaemin is ruthless.

"I'll go with you." Both men are surprised by my words. Taehyung gripping me so tightly that it's starts to hurting me. "I'll go with him. It's going to be okay. You can't go against the King's orders." I whisper to Taehyung. I see the battle in his eyes. I kiss him a soft kiss while I loosen myself from his grip. He kisses me once more and let me go.

"If she is hurt in any way, remember that one day I shall be the King. Pray to the Goddess I'll have mercy on you." Jaemin's growl is the only response to Taehyung's threatening words. I shoot him one more soft smile before I walk towards Jaemin. I point for him to go first.

"Let's go, asshole." His face shoots daggers at me but he says nothing. Leading us out in the hallway that's also filled with warriors. Six of them in total.

"A little too much for a little girl, isn't it? Must hurt your precious ego." Anger flashes over Jaemin's face before his sinister smile sets place again.

"I am sure my ego will be restored once I throw you in the dungeon." Of course. The dungeon. I say no more as I follow him willingly towards my prison. I really need a new damn life.

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