Chapter 35

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I woke up with a yawn. Opening my eyes slowly I'm confused with my surroundings. Why am I in the forest? The memories of last night came back to me. Oh no! Taehyung will be whipped soon. I looked up the sky to see the darkness already fading. Getting on my four paws I growled at the straining of my muscles. I really need to start training again. I ran back the same way I came from, using my own scent to follow the path. How damn far have I run? Around me the forest grows lighter and lighter as dawn starts to set in. When I saw the end of the treeline I sighed in relief. I quickly made my way up to the King's house. I shift back to my human form to open the front door and used my nose to find the laundry room. In there I found a white dress layed to hang. It's usually not my style but I don't have time to mock about that now.

My ears are picking up the King's voice as I quickly ran through the long Hall. I passed several doors before I found the right one. I pushed them open way too loudly and immediately hundreds of people gaze my way. I kept my head down as I walk through a massive room that looked too much like a court room. Except this one has a small stage in front of the room. Taehyung is chained by his arms on that stage. He has no shirt on and his head hangs low. A couple of feet behind him stands Jaemin with a whip in his hand. The king sits behind Jaemin on something that looks like a throne chair. He looked at me in annoyance.

"As I said, five wolfsbane lashes for leading an unauthorized attack." My eyes scan the room to search Aerin. She is not there. Panic starts to grip at my throat. This can't be happening! The King nods at Jaemin and before I can think I speed forward and throw myself over Taehyung. A sting of pain hits my back making me scream. My vision blurs for a second until the commotion around me snaps me back to reality. I let my canines grow and sink them into Taehyung's shoulder. A feeling of pure heaven fills my veins. Taehyung let out a moan from pleasure and I follow him not shortly after. I can feel everything in my blood changing as the bond between us sets place.

I'm being pulled back by an unknown source. Panic fills my body before I realise that's not my emotion. It worked! I can feel him. I growl at the one holding me, my skin setting on fire. The hands let go of me and I turn around in one quick motion. I get to my feet and stare past Jaemin towards the King.

"Taehyung is my official Mate now. His blood run through my veins as mines through his. Our minds are now as one. I volunteer to get the punishment my Mate has been given. Just like the law says I can." Anger flashes across the King's face before he pushes it off. His face is completely void of emotions now.

"Well done, child. You know the Law. I hereby heighten the sentence to ten wolfsbane lashes. Five for your Mate's betrayal and five for yours, making my son your mate without my permission or an official ceremony." I hold my head high as I stare at the king in defiance.

"The Goddess has given me my Mate. You are of no concern why we are bonded." Before he can respond I turn around and kneel next to Taehyung. He is still in panic mode.

"Why are you doing this? This is my punishment. You shouldn't have done that!" I silence him with a kiss while my hands blindly fumble with his hand cuff chain. He leans in a moment before pulling back. His left chain falls off, leaving my hands free so I quickly grab Taehyung by his neck and push him into me.

"Wolfsbane doesn't hurt me." My voice is so soft that nobody could have heard it but him. He pulls back slightly to study my face. I quickly take off his right chains too. I can feel his hands immediately searching my back for the wound. It's no use, I know it's already healed.When he doesn't find the wound he nods to me, pain still written in his eyes and evident over our bond.

"We haven't gotten all day, child." The King's voice echoes through the now completely silent room. Taehyung makes place for me and I take the position he was in not even a minute ago. He chains both my wrist. The silver irritating my skin, but not burning as it did his. He gives me a kiss on forehead and gets up. I follow the sound of his footsteps and focus on his breathing. I close my eyes when I hear Jaemin laugh behind me.

"This is going to be fun, Princess."

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