Day 9: Super.

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"Are you sure you know which ones to get? You aren't exactly experienced with these types of things."

"I'm sure, Lena!"

"Really? Because the last time you went to get them for me you weren't even close to getting the right thing."

"One time! One time I messed up, Lena!


"Fine, twice, but I won't forget this time."

"Ok, Kara," said Lena, holding a tiger shaped hot water bottle tightly to her stomach. "I trust you."

Kara made her way to Lena's side and knelt down beside her, wrapping her arms around her in an attempt to comfort her wife.

"I hate seeing you like this, Lena. I can't stand it when you are in pain. I wish you would let me help, I really don't mind!"

"Kara, you are not going THERE right now."

"But it's supposed to help with cramps, babe!" Informed Kara, placing a hand on her wife's face. "I know you are worried it'll gross me out, but I really don't care, I'll do whatever I need to to make you feel better. You know that!"

"Please, just go to the store Kara. That's all I want you to do."

"Fine," said Kara, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. She kissed her wife on the cheek and left. Once out of earshot, she called Alex for advice. One of the things that made her different as a Kryptonian was that her reproductive system didnt work the same way as a humans, meaning that she didn't get a period or cramps or any of the things that human females went through each and every month. She did, however, see how painful it was for Alex every month.

"Kara, just get her the freaking tampons, a box of chocolates, and a really, really good heating pad. Not that crappy tiger thing you got her."

"Lena LOVES Hugo!"

"I'm sure she does," laughed Alex. "But trust me, get her one of the weighted electric ones that massage. Kelly bought me one a few months ago and it really makes a difference. Oh, and a bottle of Midol for the cramps. And hot tea!"

"Thanks, Alex...Um..."

"What is it Kara," asked Alex, sensing that Kara was wanting to ask something else.

"Its just...Ireadthatorgasmshelpwithperiodpainbutlenawontletmegodownonherwhileshesonherperiodeventhoughidontmind"

"Wow...I'm not touching THAT with a 10 foot pole. That's between the two of you, little sis. Sorry."

"But Alex!"

"Nope! Love you!"

Before Kara could say anything else, Alex had already hung up. Kara shook the thought from her head and made her way to the store. She grabbed the heating pad that Alex recommended, a big box of chocolates, and a box of Barry's Tea. On her way to check out she remembered the tampons so she went back and grabbed them off the shelf and made her way back to make her purchase before flying back home to her wife.

"Lena! I'm back, honey! I got you some stuff."

Kara brought the bag of goodies to their room and placed them on the bedside table. She plugged up the heating pad and placed it lovingly on her wifes stomach and kissed her on the head before going to make her some tea. When she came back, Lena was holding the box of tampons one hand and her face in the other.

"What's wrong, Lena?"

"You did it, again Kara."

"Did what?"

Lena sat the box of tampons down on the bed and pointed to the box.

"Just because you are Supergirl doesn't mean you have to buy everything that says 'Super' on it. Kara I can't wear anything bigger than a regular."

"I'm so sorry!!!"

"It's ok love."

At that very moment there was a knock at the door, which confused them both. Neither of them were expecting company and they haven't ordered anything. Despite Kara's insistence that she stay in bed and relax, Lena stood to her feet and went to the door. Outside she found a small bag with a box of regular tampons and a note that read "My sis is a super idiot, but she means well." Lena laughed and tucked the note into her pocket and went back inside.

"Who was at the door?"

"Alex left a bag of tampons by the door."

"Yeah, i talked to her earlier. She's the one who suggested that heating pad."

"Would you mind bringing it in here, Hugo too. I'm tired of the bed, and i just want to cuddle and watch movies on the couch."

"It would be my pleasure...Lena are you sure you don't want me to..."

"You are not going down on me while i'm on my period!" Said Lena with a stern, almost hateful voice. "You'll look like a vampire!"

Kara laughed, pressing her lips together as if forbidding herself to speak.

"What's so funny Kara?'

"Nothing its just..."


Kara smiled one last time as she looked Lena in the eye and cleared her throat. With a completely straight face and in the thickest Dracula voice she could muster, Kara leaned in and said,

"I vant to suck your puss! I vant to suck your puss!"


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