Day 2: Secret.

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"Promise me, Kara!"

Kara and Lena stood in the middle of their loft exchanging a heated stare. They had been dating for the last 2 years and living together for most of that time - though only officially for 18 months. Earlier that morning, Kara had woken up to her kitchen island full of all of her favorite pastries and fresh lattes for them both. During breakfast, Lena had revealed to Kara that their secret project was a success and Kara was through the roof!

"But Lena! Can we at least tell Alex? I mean, it's ALEX!"

"No, not even Alex. I just want to keep this between us. Just one day. 24 Hours. Can you do that for me?"


"I'll make it worth your while," smirked Lena teasing at the collar of Kara's shirt."

"Y-You mean..."

"Yes...All you can eat potstickers and a Movie-Musical Marathon."

" DEAL!"

"You're a goober, darling."

"Did Lena Luthor just use the word goober ?"

"She did."

As they finished their breakfast - or rather as Kara devoured the inhuman amount of food on the island - they discussed the project in more detail and made plans to meet with Alex and Kelly first thing tomorrow morning. Lena knew there was no chance that Kara could keep something this big from her sister for long, and truly she didn't want to make her, but she did want to keep the excitement between the two of them for just a little while longer. Once the secret was out there would be a lot of changes and they would likely happen quickly, which was why Lena wanted just one more day to keep it quiet, plus they needed to iron out a few details between them so things didn't go terribly wrong and hurt everyone involved.

All things considered, the day went well. They made a few calls to those involved and made sure that everything was a go, Kara left a few times on Supergirl duties and made sure to make an appearance with the main investors in their project to be sure all of them were still on board and ready to move forward. That night Lena was true to her word and ordered an INSANE amount of potstickers and they watched movie-musicals until they fell asleep, although they both had significant trouble falling asleep with all the excitement that tomorrow would bring.


The following morning, Kara and Lena visited Alex and Kelly for brunch as planned, bringing with them two small boxes and a brochure containing all the information for the project that they'd been working on together for several weeks now. They kept them hidden in Kara's bag until the right moment.

"We have something to tell the two of you. And when we do, we hope that you will see that this comes from a place of great love and admiration," started Lena, holding tightly to Kara's hand for support.

"Son of a Bitch! You eloped didn't you! Dammit Kara you know I was looking forward to dancing at your wedding and embarrassing you like you did me! You two aren't even engaged yet and..."

"Alex! We didn't elope! We didn't get engaged."

"Then what is it?" Implored Kelly.

Kara looked to Lena for confirmation before pulling the two small boxes from her bag and sliding them across the table to Kelly and Alex.

"Open them."

After sharing a questioning look with Kelly, Alex looked at Lena still unsure whether she could believe that this was actually happening.

"Are you two for real? Like this isn't some kind of sick joke, is it?"

The recently married couple looked at each other and down at the gold and silver necklaces in the boxes they'd been given. Kelly's golden one reading  Mamma and Alex's silver one reading Mommy.

"It's real, Alex," insisted Lena putting her hand on top of Alex's. "We know how much you two have wanted this. How many times you've been turned down. This IS happening. It's already taken care of, all that's left to do is to go pick up your girl!"

Alex jumped to her feet screaming, nearly knocking the table over in the process. She pulled her sister and Lena into a bruising hug before releasing them in favor of Holding her wife.

"How did you do it?" Asked Kelly. "We tried every agency in National City. No one gave us the time of day."

"Well," said Kara, handing them the brochure from her bag. The front containing pictured of children of all ages, races - both Alien and human - being held between same sex parents. The Guardians was written across the top in big bold letters. "We started our own."

"Kara and I - well Supergirl and I - spoke with Esme's case worker. She said that she felt terrible that the two of you had been turned down to adopt her on account of her being an Alien and being a Lesbian Couple. But her bosses refused to budge. After meeting with some higher ups in the agency, they agreed to transfer Esme's 'Case' to The Guardians. We promptly accepted - and offered her case worker a job with our agency - and got the ball moving. The rest is just a bunch of legal jargon but what matters is that the two of you are OFFICIALLY Esme's moms - pending your signature on the proper documentation."

The four women shared a tearful hug, with Alex and Kelly saying thank you over and over.

"So when can we go get her?" Asked Alex.

"Actually..." admitted Kara, pulling her phone from her pocket and sending a quick message. "Sooner than you think."

Just as Kara spoke, there was a knock on the door. Lena smiled at the women before her and motioned for them to go get the door. Outside was Nia holding the hand of a very happy little girl.

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