Day 10: Bold.

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Trigger Warning: Unwanted Touching and Sexual Advances.

"I brought you some tea, love." Said Kara, touching down on the balcony just outside Lena's office.

"Thank you, Kara."

"How many does this make?"


"Seven? Lena seven cups of tea? It's only lunch time!"

"It's this migraine. It won't go away. The only thing keeping it manageable is a near constant flow of very BOLD Barry's tea."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Maybe later, darling," said Lena with a playful grin. "But right now I really need to get through these spreadsheets. I have a meeting in 2 hours with the Edge and I need to be ready to..."


"Yes, Kara. Morgan Edge."

"The Morgan Edge who tried to kill you?"

"That was before Crisis, Kara. On this earth he's still a douchebag, but he's never tried to kill me."

"I don't like this Lena, I don't think you should be meeting with him. Especially alone."

"Bold of you to assume you have a say in who I meet with for work!" Yelled Lena, causing her head to pound even harder.

Kara placed Lena's tea on her desk and turned and flew out the window, trying - and failing - to mask the pain caused by her wife's outburst. She knew Lena was stressed and hurting, so she tried not to take it to heart, but that didn't stop it from hurting. It wasn't that she didn't trust Lena, or that she felt like she had a right to control who Lena associated with, especially when it came to business matters. But Kara had never truly been able to get the image of Lena strapped to a DEO table on the edge of death, or how it felt to carry her limp and lifeless body across the city that day. Nevertheless, Kara knew she shouldn't have said anything, especially with Lena already stressed out.

Lena knew she'd over reacted, she knew how much of a trigger Edge was for Kara. She shouldn't have snapped at her wife like that, or accused her of trying to control her meetings. It was just this damned headache! It was making her irritable. Truly, Edge made her nervous as well. Kara wasn't the only one who retained memories from before Crisis. She remembered very vividly being on the plane when it split in half, she remembered every assasination attempt, and Edge was only one of the perpetrators.

Just as Lena was about to call out for Kara to come back, her assistant notified her that Edge had arrived and seemed very eager to see her. After swallowing a couple tylenol and chugging the rest of the Tea that Kara brought - which was better than any of the cups Lena had consumed all day - she told her to let him in.

Overall the meeting went quite well. Edge was looking for investors in a new business endeavor. Something to do with clean energy maybe? Truthfully, Lena struggled to keep up with what he was saying because he was all over the place, her headache and eagerness to apologize to Kara didn't help matters.

"I'll look over your notes and let you know something by the end of the week," informed Lena, standing from her desk and making her way to the door. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm running behind schedule for another meeting."

"Perhaps we can discuss it more over dinner, I'll pick you up at 8. Wear that little red number you wore to the gala last month, it was a real head turner!"

"I'm sorry Edge," said Lena, turning to face Edge. "I'm afraid any further meetings will need to be held in my office. I'm afraid I don't hold dinner meetings with investors, it wouldn't be respectful of my wife."

"That's still a thing? C'mon Lena," urged Edge, sliding his hand along Lena's arm. The feeling of his hand against her bare skin made her shiver with fear and disgust. "It's just dinner. And if it goes further than that...well perhaps you'll see that you truly are meant to be with a man."

"Mr Edge, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave and take your proposal elsewhere."

While you wouldn't know it to look at her or to listen to her voice, Lena was terrified of the man standing before her.

"Relax Lena," insisted Edge, placing a hand on either side of her face. "We're both attractive adults. We've been dancing around this for years now."

Edge's hands began sliding down her shoulders as he brought his lips to her neck, the putrid smell of his breath making Lena sick on her stomach. She was frozen in fear, unable to fight as his hands made their way to her breasts then down to her thighs to hike up her skirt. He was only inches away from the apex of her thighs when the door slammed open, a very angry Kara Luthor-Danvers on the other side.

"DON'T YOU KNOCK?!" Yelled Edge, taking a step back from Lena.

"Get your hands off my wife," ordered Kara, her voice calm yet urgent as she grabbed Edge by the collar and slammed him into the closest wall. "Lena, are you ok?"

Lena was in shock, and still unable to move or speak. She couldn't bare to make eye contact with anyone, least of all Kara.

"You're making a mistake. I assure you that nothing..."

"Not another word," said Kara, struggling to keep from throwing edge through the window. She'd heard the exchange between them, and was kicking herself for not interrupting sooner. She pulled Edge from the wall and dragged him to the door and called for security, ignoring his comments about her being ridiculously strong for someone of her age. Security arrived quickly and took one look at Lena and knew exactly what had occurred. The two men took edge by the arms and assured them that he would be "dealt with accordingly."

Once they left Kara shut the door and ran to her wife.

"Lena? Lena baby, it's ok. I'm her now."

Kara took her wife gently into her arms, slowly bringing them to the couch to sit down.

"I'm...I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Kara, I shouldn't have..."

"Don't you dare apologize for that sad excuse for a man. You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing."

Lena looked into her wifes eyes and began to cry, thankful for such an amazing partner and thankful that once again she'd been there exactly when she needed her to be. Crying did her head no favors, unfortunately.

"Will you...will you take me home, Kara?"

Kara nodded and grabbed Lena's things from the desk before pulling her close as they left the building, waiting until they were out of sight to scoop her up into her arms and fly them both home to their loft.

"How's your head, Lena? Is it still hurting?"

"So much. It hurts so much, Kara!"

"Well you know, I have an idea of what could help with that."

"Kara, I'm...I'm sorry, I'm just..."

"A warm bath," interrupted Kara, surprising Lena. "A warm bath with lots of bubbles and essential oils, and me sitting behind you massaging your neck and shoulders. How does that sound?"

"Only if you'll get in with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Supercorptober 2021Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora