Day 12: Sunday

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From the day she landed on earth, Kara had been amazed at the fact that there was a whole day named for the Sun. Even more so that there was an entire religion that considered it to be a holy day. At first she thought that maybe they also worshiped Rao like they did on Krypton, and had asked the Danvers to take her to the Midvale Christian Church to be with her people and although they warned her that this particular church might not be a good fit, they did. She knew that the Danvers called themselves Christian's and had a copy of the Christian Holy Book - the Bible - on the table in their den. If the Danvers considered themselves a part of this religion, how bad could it be?


The church that they had taken her too, the one she'd requested to be taken to, was NOT a group of people that Kara wanted to associate herself with. They seemed kind on the surface and welcomed their family into the church warmly and helped them find seats. The music was pleasant and the people around her seemed to have kind hearts, but once the Preacher - as they called him - made his way to the pulpit and began to speak she knew she was not welcome here.

The pastor spoke of a hateful, vengeful, God. One who damned people to a place called hell because they chose to love someone of the same gender. He spoke of the dangers of "alien refugees" invading the country, and how they would bring in more deviants and false religions. He was speaking of HUMAN refugees, but the accusation still hit too close to home. Having felt the warmth and kindness from the people in the church, she'd hoped that someone would speak against him but no one did. Instead they all nodded in agreement as the man standing before them preached a gospel of hatred. Kara barely made it through the service before she had to get out of the building. It was a good thing that she had her powers under control, because she was so mad that if she hadn't she would have lost control of her heat vision, and that wouldn't have ended well for anyone.

When they made it home, Eliza and Jeremiah had sat her down and explained to her that some people hold the same beliefs as that church, but that that wasn't what they believed at all. They told her that there was a growing number of christians who openly supported and defended the belief that Love is Love. THOSE Christians didn't believe in a hateful God, they believed in a LOVING God. Like Rao.

As she got older, Kara continued to see all the ways that people differed from Kryptonians, but also how they were the same. She knew that Krypton hadn't always been the accepting and progressive place that it was, so she held out hope for humanity, especially with people like the Danvers among them. She'd never given much thought to her sexuality, since on Krypton it didn't matter. It wasn't until she met Lena that she really gave it much thought. She'd known the moment she saw Lena that she loved her, and as their friendship grew so did her love. Their feud had torn Kara's heart to shreds, nearly causing her to do things she wouldn't normally even consider. But now here they were, standing in the front of National City Christian Church reciting their vows and being married by a Lesbian Pastor, the same one who had presided over Kelly and Alex's wedding just last year.

The world was changing for the better, and although there were still a great many who fought against them, and against anyone who didn't love like they did, all she needed to do was to look in to the blue-green eyes of the woman she loved and she had hope again.

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