Day 26: Afternoon.

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"Are you sure you are up for this darling? You've had a rough morning."

"M'sure, Lena. I promised you...that...we'd go for n'early dinner s'afternoon, and I won't break my promise."

Lena pressed her lips together in a grin fighting the urge to laugh at the sight before her. Kara had been going non-stop since before midnight. First there was a cruise ship that was sinking - far from anyone who could help. Then a fire broke out at a manufacturing facility and the Firefighters were struggling to contain it. Next a rogue alien broke out of containment and was terrorizing the NCPD. Somehow during all of that Kara still managed to make it to CatCo, although she did get quite the lecture from Andrea for smelling like smoke and seawater. Now, Kara was sitting on the end of the bed still wearing her Super Suit and struggling to stay awake.

"Kara, it's ok. How about we order in instead. I'm pretty tired myself and could really use a nap."

"Y'sure? I'm not even tired," Kara lied with a yawn.

"I'm sure. Besides, I much prefer an evening in bed with you over one out on the town."

"S'great, Lena. I'm just gonna..."

"Kara? Kara darling, you fell asleep."


"Ok, whatever you say dear. I'm going to slip out of these clothes and into the bed. Feel free to join me for a very naked nap whenever you're ready."

The word naked was like a hammer over Kara's head and jolted her awake, just in time to see the clothes fall from Lena's body and into the floor as she climbed into the bed. Within seconds, Kara was out of her suit and cuddled up to Lena, both of them covered only by the sheets on their bed. Naked naps were their favorite, even the ones that didn't end in one or both of them screaming in ecstasy. They loved the feeling of holding each other close as their bodies pressed together uncovered. It was intimate in a way that they couldn't describe. Sleeping this way left them both well rested and feeling insanely close.

It only took Kara a few minutes to fall asleep, even though she fought to stay awake. The feeling of her breath on Lena's bare shoulders sent shivers down her spine. Yet all Lena could think of was how lucky she was to share her home, her life, her BODY with someone she loves so dearly. One day, she was going to marry the woman behind her. One day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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