Day 19: Blue.

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The first few days that Kara was injured and unconscious, Alex did little more than stay by her sister's side. But when things started looking up, she wanted to get her sister's things in order for when she woke up. Her phone was - surprisingly - undamaged in the fight, but the battery was dead so she plugged it and started getting dry clothes together, the comfiest ones she could find.

A few minutes after having plugged in the phone, it had enough power to turn itself on and started to ping multiple times in a row. She hadn't meant to read the messages, truly. She'd only intended to silence the phone and then go about her day. But when she saw the volume of messages from Lena, she knew that they'd messed up. Even without her knowing Kara's secret, Kara had been gone for 4 days without so much as a goodbye. She'd NEVER do that to Lena. After giving J'onn a heads up to what was going on, Alex ran out of the DEO and took off on her bike straight to Lena's penthouse.

"Lena? Lena, it's Alex. Are you...LENA!"

The elder Danvers sister ran to the couch where Lena lay unconscious, her pale white skin a sickening shade of blue around her nose and mouth.


Alex checked her pulse which was thready at best, but still present nonetheless. The smell of scotch that filled the penthouse - coupled with the many empty bottles told Alex all that she needed to know.

"Damnit, Lena! Why didn't you call me?"

Being careful not to hurt her, Alex slowly slid Lena off the couch and into the floor before rolling her over into the Bacchus Maneuver and called J'onn who showed up minutes later to help get Lena to the DEO. Upon arrival they got to work hooking her up to IV Fluids and Covering her in warm blankets to stave off hypothermia. Even with all of their efforts, Lena's body still began to convulse and they had to perform CPR several times to save her.

"Brainy, Get a tank ready!"

"Already ahead of you, agent Danvers."

J'onn lifted Lena's lifeless body into his arms and flew her to the Legion ship where Brainy, Imra, and Mon-El were all waiting to engage the tank. With Lena being fully human, they'd need to place a breathing apparatus on her face to keep her from drowning. Imra got to work quickly on that - as well as placing the same AI Crown on her head that Kara wore - while Mon-El and Brainy finished altering the settings for a human's biology. With the mask in place and the adjustments made, Brainy shut the tank and with a press of a button it filled with water and Lena began to float. Alex breathed a sigh of relief as her vitals started to improve, burying her face in J'onn's shoulder in an attempt to hide the tears that had started to fall.


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